Sahel : Le Niger exige le départ immédiat de la Croix-Rouge

Le gouvernement militaire du Niger a ordonné au Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) de quitter le pays sans délai, a indiqué mercredi une source proche du dossier à l’AFP.

Cette source a précisé que le Niger avait «révoqué les accords» existants avec le CICR, et que certains expatriés avaient déjà commencé à quitter le pays. Le bureau de la délégation du CICR à Niamey a été fermé depuis mardi, a-t-elle ajouté.

Quand la Chine comble le vide laissé par la France au Sahel

Alors que les dynamiques géopolitiques et sécuritaires du Sahel évoluent rapidement, la Chine s’impose comme un acteur clé, prêt à exploiter le vide laissé par le retrait des puissances occidentales traditionnelles, notamment la France. Cette transformation est emblématique d’un repositionnement global de la Chine sur la scène africaine, où sécurité et développement se croisent.

What Syrians Can Learn From Libya’s Revolution

Two fateful missteps after the fall of dictator Muammar Qadhafi offer important lessons on the impact of early policy choices.

Jubilant crowds tearing down statues and posters of a hated despot. Feared prisons emptying out their longtime occupants. City squares hosting raucous rallies and solemn Friday prayers, free from the prying gazes of the security services.

King Donald Or Facing the Rise of Fascism Like Fools for Freedom

This past weekend my partner and I got together with a group of friends. We’ve been meeting every six weeks or so since 1982. Originally, this group of lesbians convened to talk about sex: what we were doing, what we wanted to do, what we fantasized about doing. But you know how it is with any relationship. Over time, it can come to embrace so many other things. That’s how it’s been with the group we call “Group” (or sometimes “A Closed Group with No Name”). We’ve seen each other through breakups, new lovers, job changes, housing worries, ailments, the deaths of lovers, caring for aging and dying parents, and now confronting our own age and the nearness of our mortality.

Migration: A New Pact Doomed to Fail from the Start

Just over 220,000 migrants were detected trying to cross into Europe illegally in the first 11 months of 2024, according to Frontex data. That represents a decrease of about 40 per cent from 2023, and is several orders of size smaller than the numbers seen in 2015, when around 1 million Syrians made their way to Europe to escape the civil war back home. However, the perilous Western African route saw a record 46,843 people reach the Canary Islands illegally in 2024, up 19 per cent from 2023.

Exclusive: Washington using Nile dam dispute to pressure Egypt into accepting Gaza expulsion plan

A senior Trump administration official met Egyptian leaders in Cairo last week to discuss a plan to relocate Palestinians from Gaza.

The United States has reportedly used Egypt’s water security crisis as leverage to pressure Cairo into accepting the plan of forcibly relocation of Gaza’s Palestinians, according to The New Arab’s Arabic language edition Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

What is Israel’s strategy in south Lebanon?

Lebanon’s health ministry reported on Sunday that Israeli forces, after missing the agreed withdrawal deadline, killed 24 Lebanese civilians and injured 130 more after opening fire on protesters.

The incident came hours before news broke that the deadline was extended until 18 February. Tensions had flared in southern Lebanon as demonstrators, some waving Hezbollah flags, attempted to enter multiple villages still under Israeli control. The protesters voiced anger over Israel’s failure to meet the original Sunday deadline to withdraw.