Clausewitz’s Definition of War and its Limits

Hugh Smith is a Visiting Fellow in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy. He is the author of On Clausewitz: A Study of Military and Political Ideas, (Palgrave Macmillan: 2005).


However, Clausewitz offers a notion of grand strategy not in his theory of war but in his theory of the state.

As the affairs of states continue to evolve into a complex web of interdependence, cooperation, and competition, pressure mounts on states to effectively employ the tools of statecraft to attain their political objects. The contention of this essay is that Carl von Clausewitz implicitly defined grand strategy in his magnum opus, On War, as the sum of the tools of statecraft. Consequently, states should use this definition of grand strategy accommodated to present political conditions.

What Is The Talmud?

The Talmud is a huge collection of doctrines and laws compiled and written before the 8th Century, A.D., by ancient Jewish teachers. The Talmud, which often cites the Old Testament, is the basic book of Jewish law.

Pourquoi l’Occident veut-il détruire la Russie ?

Dans le conflit actuel, l’Occident collectif suit la voie du suicide

Jean Luc Schaffhauser, ancien membre de la commission des Affaires étrangères et de la défense et de la sécurité au Parlement européen, a récemment publié une série d’articles sur la nécessité de faire la paix avec la Russie.

Des «trouposol» françaises en Roumanie pour s’entrainer à la guerre contre la Russie

La France est un des pays les plus impliqués dans le conflit en Ukraine orchestré par l’OTAN (NdT : Organisation Terroriste de l’Atlantique Nord) ; elle a ses forces spéciales présentes depuis le début du lancement de l’Opération Militaire Spéciale (OMS) russe en 2022. Pour une raison inexpliquée, Paris recherche simplement une bagarre avec la Russie au lieu de se focaliser sur la pléthore de problèmes bien chauds sur son sol. Le larbinisme honteux de la France envers toutes les politiques de l’OTAN a tourné le pays en un véritable vassal, laquais des États-Unis, ce qui ne fait que toujours lui créer plus de problèmes, même résultant à toujours plus de soutien de Moscou envers les mouvements souverainistes africains, une action qui est en train d’efficacement démanteler ce qu’il reste du vieil empire néo-colonial français sur le continent. Paris a même été aussi loin que de préparer une invasion du Niger, une possibilité qui a provoqué l’annonce par le Mali et le Burkina Faso que ces pays combattraient aux côtés de leur voisin en cas d’attaque par qui que ce soit.

News About Possible Military Operation Against Government Forces in Aleppo countryside

A military commander close to HTS told Syria TV that preparations are underway, including planting defensive mines and cancelling leave for its members.

A military source in northwestern Syria reported on Sunday to North Press that Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly known as al-Nusra Front) is preparing for a military operation against government forces in the Aleppo countryside. This comes in light of recent Israeli escalations in southern Lebanon and against Iranian sites in Syria.

Who’s Who: Haitham Ali al-Tabtabai & Munir Ali Naim Shaito (Hajj Hashem), Hezbollah’s Key Military Leaders in Syria

Both Haitham Ali al-Tabtabai and Munir Ali Naim Shaito (Hajj Hashem) are integral figures within Hezbollah’s military leadership.

Over the years, Hezbollah has deployed many of its top military leaders to Syria to spearhead operations and manage sensitive missions. These figures are not only military commanders but also play key roles in regional planning and coordination with various forces. Two of the most prominent among them are Haitham Ali al-Tabtabai, the field commander of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, and Munir Ali Naim Shaito, also known as Hajj Hashem, who commands the Golan Front. These leaders have become prime targets for Hezbollah’s adversaries due to their influential roles in the ongoing conflict in the region.

Is Assad Trying to Escape Iran’s Grip?

Assad’s debt to Iran is substantial, both financially and politically, Omar Kaddour writes in al-Modon.

Recent Israeli airstrikes in Syria, including a rumoured strike on a villa linked to Hezbollah and Maher al-Assad, signal a heightened warning to the Assad regime. Israel has reportedly conveyed messages through Arab intermediaries, urging Assad not to intervene in the current conflict. While Assad’s military strength is insufficient to support Iran or Hezbollah directly, it’s clear that Tehran exercises significant influence over Syria, often acting independently of Assad’s authority.