Debunks Hezbollah Myth

Will the EU Follow Britain in Banning Hezbollah?

Counterpoint host Daniel Schwammenthal is joined by Geoffrey Van Orden, British Member of the European Parliament, and Tommaso Virgili, Visiting Fellow at the Martens Centre for European Studies, to discuss the UK’s decision to ban Hezbollah in its entirety and the prospects for the EU to follow suit. Will Brussels end the artificial distinction between the “military” and “political” arms of Iran’s terror proxy?

Latin America: Surging Momentum for Designating Hezbollah a Terror Organization

“Transnational terrorism poses an immediate threat to us here in the Western Hemisphere. Although the perceived center of gravity seems far away, groups like ISIS, al-Qa’ida, and Lebanese Hizballah operate where they can find recruits, raise support, operate unchecked, and pursue their terrorist agendas.” — U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan; ministerial conference on counterterrorism, December 11, 2018.

France Welcomes the Saudis, Condemns Critics of Islam

“Mohammed Al-Issa, who heads the World Islamic League, is credited for more than 500 executions when he was Minister of Justice of Saudi Arabia from 2009 to 2015, and countless orders of torture including the conviction of the famous Raif Badawi with 1.000 lashes.” — Michel Taube, Le Figaro, September 16, 2019.

Extremist Content Online: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Releases Second Video in 2019

istribution of Propaganda From ISIS Leader Matches Scope of Previous April Video

New Address by ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

(New York, N.Y.) – On September 16, 2019, ISIS’s al Furqan Media Foundation released an address by the group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Titled “And Say, Act,” the speech was widely released on Telegram and various audio, video, and file sharing platforms. Baghdadi’s last prior public communication was on April 29, 2019.

Dépassons le mythe de la malédiction des ressources

De nombreux observateurs évoquent une « malédiction des ressources » pour expliquer la persistance des conflits armés en Afrique. À les en croire, la simple présence de matières premières suffirait à provoquer des tensions susceptibles de déboucher sur des affrontements. Un pareil déterminisme ne résiste cependant pas à l’analyse.

Mali : Migration irrégulière: l’AFPM outille des journalistes

L’association des femmes de la presse malienne (AFPM) a organisé, le vendredi 20 septembre, un atelier de formation à l’intention des journalistes sur les concepts de la migration et les enjeux actuels. C’était à la Maison de la presse en présence du représentant du ministère des Maliens de l’extérieur, le Dr Broulaye KEITA, et plusieurs femmes de la presse.