Their confidence in the benefits of a Biden victory seems exaggerated, according to analysts.
Muslim Brotherhood activists and media outlets have seemed very enthusiastic about the Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s progress in US election results.
France has condemned what it called “declarations of violence” by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and raised the possibility of new sanctions against Ankara.
Erdogan has been involved in a bitter feud with French President Emmanuel Macron over a number of geopolitical issues and, more recently, France’s fight against radical Islam.
The UN refugee agency said the 58-year-old man was hospitalized and is receiving the necessary care.
A Syrian refugee in Beirut was hospitalized after setting himself on fire outside the United Nations refugee agency’s reception center in the Lebanese capital.
A third round of the Libyan dialogue in Morocco’s Bouznika was held Thursday between the delegations of the Tobruk-based House of Representatives and the High Council of State after one month of singing an agreement on state sovereign positions’ criteria of selection.
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu had a meeting in Antalya with Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar on 5 November 2020.
At the meeting, preparations for the 6th session of the Turkey-Qatar High Strategic Committee were discussed.
Regaining the tribal loyalty lost in the first years of the Syrian Revolution was an inevitable step in the regime’s eastern offensives. During the first half of the war, managing the weakened and fractured tribes, particularly in Deir ez-Zor, seemed to be a low priority. However, the rise of ISIS in central Syria in 2014 proved an opportunity for Damascus, eliminating “third way” options and forcing tribesmen to choose between Bashar al-Assad and ISIS. This led to the first large movement of opposition tribal factions back to Assad’s camp. By the time Damascus launched its 2017 central Syria campaign, the regime’s intelligence agencies had successfully re-integrated significant portions of tribes from Homs, Raqqa, and Deir ez-Zor, forming loyalist militias under the command of long-loyal tribal leaders.
Dans son émission ‘’ Grand Dossier’’ du mercredi dernier, le chroniqueur Ras Bath a critiqué Issa Kaou N’Djim, le coordinateur de la CMAS pour certains de ses commentaires suite au cas d’insécurité qui sévit à farabougou.
Pour planter le décor, le chroniqueur a rappelé les propos de ISSA kaou N’Djim qui tentait d’expliquer la lenteur constatée dans l’intervention des militaires lors du siège du village de Farabougou par les terroristes. Dans ses propos, Kaou N’DJIM disait que les militaires s’apprêtaient à aller libérer le village et que la situation du terrain recommandait certains préparatifs. La réaction (…)
The announcement comes after the defacement of an Armenian genocide memorial in France. Turkey and France have had a series of disagreements in 2020.
The French government plans to ban a Turkish nationalist group after the defacement of an Armenian memorial as tensions between France and Turkey continue to rise.
As a terrorist attack was unfolding late Monday night in Vienna, where four people were killed and 22 others injured in a shooting rampage on crowded bars, speculation about the culprit, unsurprisingly, was rife on social media. Many of those offering theories were quick to accuse Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of stoking the rage of militant Islamists.