Albania first Muslim majority state to adopt IHRA antisemitism definition

The Albanian parliament has endorsed the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism, making the country one of the first Muslim-majority countries to adopt the definition.
The IHRA, an intergovernmental organization with 34 member countries, established an international consensus on a working definition of antisemitism.

Turkey, a taboo word in Sisi’s coy lexicon

Regional analysts consider Cairo to be playing a blurry political and media game, and this disturbs some of its allies, especially the Gulf states.

Whenever Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi refers to Turkey in his speeches, he tends to do it implicitly, and he also deliberately refers to its transgressions indirectly.

Studiu american: SUA nu se pot baza decât pe România pentru contracararea Rusiei la Marea Neagră

RAND Corporation, o organizaţie care a realizat un studiu comandat de autorităţile americane, susţine că ar fi necesare o serie de ajustări ale strategiei aliate la Marea Neagră, în contextul unei agresiuni ruseşti tot mai evidente în zonă. În plus, una dintre concluzii ar fi că, în prezent, SUA nu se pot baza decât pe România pentru contracararea Rusiei la Marea Neagră.

France’s Fight against Islamism

During his French presidential campaign in 2017, then candidate Emmanuel Macron had promised that if elected he would tackle the fight against Islamism in his first 100 days in office. It took him actually three and a half years to deliver a landmark speech and a plan to deal with that thorny issue. While Macron said all the right things, including calling a spade a spade, the measures are not going far enough and some are likely not to be implemented.