An Indifferent Media Is Failing to Report the 400,000 Dead in Gaza

Enough already of the media’s lazy indifference to the vast undercount of the Palestinian death toll from Netanyahu’s genocidal daily bombing and shelling of Gaza’s defenseless civilian population. I’m referring to all the media – the corporate media, the public media, and the independent media. They all stick with the Hamas Ministry of Health’s (MOH) count of named victims whose corpses have been identified by hospitals and mortuaries. For months there have been no operating hospitals and mortuaries to send their grisly data to the Health Ministry.

Call for military ‘independence’ from US puts spotlight on Europe’s vulnerabilities

The man poised to be Germany’s next leader delivered a jolt this week when he warned that the demise of NATO in its current form could be at hand and said Europe must chart a military course separate from the United States.

Friedrich Merz’s center-right Christian Democratic Union party won Sunday’s federal election, positioning him to lead a government that will grapple with how to deter Russian aggression in an era where American largesse is no longer a guarantee.

Alexander Dugin’s plan to remake political science Russia’s most notorious Eurasianist is spearheading an initiative to purge higher education of ‘Americacentrism’

Eurasianist philosopher Alexander Dugin wants to change how political science is taught across the humanities in Russian higher education. Meduza has obtained access to a 240-page lecture series on political science, a 76-page teaching concept, and a shorter presentation for Russia’s Science Ministry — all prepared by Dugin’s team at the Ivan Ilyin Higher Political School at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Dugin and his colleagues warn that “Americacentrism” currently dominates Russian political science and must be “overcome.”

IS Sahel: Consolidating territory and reviving economies.

Since 2023, Islamic State Sahel Province (IS Sahel), a violent extremist organization affiliated to the Islamic State, has shifted from perpetrating high levels of indiscriminate violence against civilians towards building community support in areas where it has consolidated its influence. It has also begun actively reviving local economies (including illicit activities) that had been heavily undermined by its earlier indiscriminate use of violence.

L’USAID a exporté le terrorisme des Balkans en Haïti

Le 19 décembre, James Foley, ambassadeur des États-Unis en Haïti de 2003 à 2005, a publié une éditorial explosif dans le Miami Times, un journal farouchement anticommuniste. Il y déplore que le pays soit devenu une «bombe à retardement», avec des centaines de milliers de réfugiés menaçant d’émigrer aux États-Unis, «une montée de la violence des gangs», le désengagement des «organisations d’aide humanitaire» en raison de «menaces», et des entités «criminelles» «sur le point» de s’emparer entièrement de Port-au-Prince. Son remède est simple : une «intervention» directe des États-Unis pour assurer le contrôle local et réaffirmer la «primauté de Washington dans l’hémisphère».

Les États-Unis en faillite ? La recherche de terres rares que l’Ukraine n’a pas, la menace sur les BRICS et la «pêche» au Canada, du flan

Les États-Unis ont transmis à l’Ukraine un nouveau projet «amélioré» de l’accord sur les terres rares entre les deux parties, après que Volodymyr Zelensky ait irrité le président Donald Trump pour avoir rejeté la première offre. C’est ce qu’a rapporté le portail Axios, qui cite un responsable américain, un responsable ukrainien et trois autres sources familières de l’affaire.

ISIS Redux: The Central Syria Insurgency, Special Edition

ISIS carried out at least six confirmed attacks in November in the Homs, Hama, and Deir Ez Zor governorates, killing at least eight pro-regime soldiers and two civilians. There were also two high quality* attacks carried out during the month. ISIS attacks in central Syria declined for the third consecutive month, dropping to their lowest point since January 2023. However, attacks did not diminish in other parts of Syria, and the regime’s downfall has given ISIS new avenues to expand while also opening new ways to counter the group.

Leur arrogance et leur bêtise font partie du problème, pas de la solution

Combien de retraités européens devront mourir de froid l’hiver prochain pour que les habitants de ces pays se rendent compte que la guerre en Ukraine n’est qu’un racket ?

Le décalage total d’avec les réalités n’aide personne à oeuvrer à la paix et à la prospérité, mais ce n’est pas l’objectif de cette cabale élitiste à Bruxelles.

Comprendre la conscience pour retrouver notre souveraineté

Philippe Guillemant explique la physique de la conscience : un enjeu scientifique aux implications politiques et spirituelles.

Et si le véritable enjeu pour l’humanité était de comprendre qui elle est ? À l’heure où ladite «intelligence artificielle» est présentée comme un nouveau démiurge, la question paraît centrale dans notre évolution. Pour le physicien et spécialiste en «intelligence artificielle» Philippe Guillemant, il y a urgence à comprendre la physique de la conscience. Car si nous voulons faire advenir le monde que nous souhaitons, il faut connaître la nature de notre intelligence et la manière de faire appel à notre pouvoir créateur.

Syrian Army and Drug Smugglers Clash for Third Consecutive Day on Lebanese Border – The Syrian Observer

For the third consecutive day, clashes have erupted on the Syrian-Lebanese border between the Syrian Army and drug and arms smugglers from Lebanese tribes residing in villages and towns along the border near al-Qusayr, southern Homs. The confrontations have resulted in casualties on both sides.

Syrian Army Gains Ground in al-Qusayr Countryside

According to Syria TV’s correspondent, intense fighting broke out Saturday night between the Syrian Army and Lebanese tribal groups in the border villages, particularly in Matraba, with both sides using various types of weapons.