Alors que des contacts officiels ont récemment eu lieu entre les gouvernements congolais et russe, un homme attire les regards à Kinshasa : Viktor Tokmakov. Ce diplomate, qui a été en poste en Centrafrique, s’est en effet déjà révélé être l’un des principaux VRP du groupe de mercenariat Wagner. Révélations.
Ayman al-Zawahiri is dead – or so we are told. Al-Qaida’s chief and successor to the slain Osama bin Laden, he was deemed the chief ideologue and mastermind behind the audacious September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. On July 31, he was supposedly killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, while standing on his balcony.
Forty years ago this summer, the attention of much of the world was focused on Beirut. Israel sought to finish with Palestinian terrorism from Lebanon once and for all and fatefully invaded, coming all the way up to the Lebanese capital. Israel had also hoped to facilitate the installation of a friendly Lebanese Christian government but their principal partner, charismatic Lebanese Forces Commander Bashir Gemayel, would be assassinated by Syrian intelligence shortly after being elected president of Lebanon and before he actually took office. Despite Israel’s clear military superiority, it would utterly fail in its political goals.
Et si les BRICS devenaient les BRICSA ? Abdelmadjid Tebboune en est persuadé : l’Algérie qu’il préside répond en grande partie aux conditions pour adhérer à ce club d’économies émergentes comprenant le Brésil, la Russie, l’Inde, la Chine et l’Afrique du Sud. Qu’en est-il réellement ? Décryptage.
The Islamic State is threatening to kill employees in the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor if they continue to report to their jobs.
Islamic State (IS) cells in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria threatened employees and workers of institutions linked to the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria and warned them against carrying out work for the administration.
Turkish strikes on Syrian government troops and overt Kurdish attacks on targets inside Turkey signal that both sides are changing the rules of the game as Ankara eyes normalization with Damascus.
Ankara’s reconciliation overtures to Damascus have been accompanied by growing Turkish attacks on Syrian Kurdish and government forces along the border — a sign of new engagement rules in a border strip extending 32 kilometers (20 miles) into northern Syria that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants to see as a “safe zone.”
In his memoir, Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani shares that Turkey’s former President Turgut Ozal had once floated the idea of “annexing” Iraqi Kurdistan.
As Turkey escalates its campaign against Kurdish militants in the north of Syria and Iraq and Kurdish politicians within its borders, Masoud Barzani, the preeminent leader of Iraq’s Kurds, recalls a time when Ankara’s policy toward his people was distinctly different.
The mullahs appear convinced that once the Biden administration capitulates completely to their demands for reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, they will be able to step up their already significant efforts to eliminate Israel and export their Islamic Revolution to Arab and Islamic countries. Iran already occupies four Arab countries: Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.
Gezielt jene zu stützen, die bei den derzeitigen Preissteigerungen selbst nicht mehr stehen können, das ist auch für den Zusammenhalt unserer Gesellschaft entscheidend, kommentiert Ann-Kathrin Büüsker. Im Moment gebe es aber nur ein Flickwerk an Vorschlägen. Es werde Zeit, dass die Ampel das klärt.
Prior to the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in early 2011, Damascus consciously sought to pursue a relatively balanced foreign policy toward most of its neighbors. Its challenges with Israel notwithstanding, Syria tried to maintain diversified and even-handed relations with Iran, Turkey, and the Arab world regionally and with Russia, the European Union, and the United States on the global level. However, when the Arab Spring uprisings brought political crisis home to Syria, the government’s sharp domestic crackdown gradually changed these conditions, resulting in Syria’s expulsion from the Arab League and the escalation of tensions with Turkey and the Western world. This threw Syrian foreign policy out of its traditional balance, compelling the country to rely overwhelmingly on support from Iran and Russia. The constricted room for maneuver on the regional and international stage has had numerous and varied consequences for Syria foreign policy over the past 11 years. But some of the most illustrative about-turns caused by the swing toward Russia could be observed in Syria’s relations with neighbors in the post-Soviet space: namely, Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine.