Egypt’s economy braces for new hit from Sudan conflict

Egypt fears that a prolonged conflict in Sudan, a major market for its exports, will add to its economic hardships.

The outbreak of clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces paramilitary group came as bad news for Egypt’s economy, already struggling under severe pressure over the past year.

Apartheid Israel Among World’s Leading Countries For Militarization, Violence, Abuse And Genocide

Nuclear armed, serial war criminal and international law-violating Apartheid Israel is a genocidally racist settler-colonialist obscenity, and ranks on a per capita basis among the world’s top militarized countries in 30 key areas of military capacity and ghastly application of military power. On a per capita basis it ranks number 1 in terms of military expenditure, tanks, warplanes, US military aid, killing journalists, population expulsions, and genocide.

Turkey Heads Into a Critical Election Runoff

A return to a parliamentary democracy system—the opposition’s most important electoral promise—is highly unlikely if Erdogan remains in power. This would be bad news for Turkey’s Western allies.

After a dynamic and unfair campaign, the interim results of Turkey’s dual election send the two main presidential contenders to a second round and give a safe majority to the incumbent parliamentary alliance.

Sudan’s capital rocked by airstrikes, artillery fire

Airstrikes and artillery fire intensified sharply across Sudan’s capital early on Tuesday, residents said, as the army sought to defend key bases from paramilitary rivals it has been fighting for more than a month.

The airstrikes, explosions and clashes could be heard in the south of Khartoum, and there was heavy shelling across the River Nile in parts of the adjoining cities of Bahri and Omdurman, witnesses said.

Réécrire l’Histoire

Devenus imbattables en matière de falsification, les experts du mainstream occidental préfèrent passer sous silence les réalités ou les chiffres qui les dérangent plutôt que de mettre en évidence les 27 millions de morts de la Russie soviétique face aux 290 000 morts décomptés par l’armée américaine (sur les 12 millions de GI’s engagés sur le front occidental). Ni vu, ni entendu, ni lu…

Sudan war complicates Russia’s port plans, strains Wagner ties in Libya

Events in Sudan would have perhaps gone unnoticed in Russian society, including by politicians and the media, if Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had not visited Khartoum two months before fighting broke out last week between Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan’s army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) led by Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, also known as Hemedti.

Cold Capitalism And The Carbon Curtain – Analysis

Imagine yourself as a civilian in eastern Ukraine in autumn 2022. Only a few months ago, an apartment building in your neighborhood was obliterated by a HIMARS rocket, which sent a wave of concrete dust careening in every direction. You and your family moved your belongings to a friend’s cellar, a humid, drafty, and claustrophobic space but somewhat safer from the rockets screaming daily overhead. The air outside is murky with a perpetual haze of smoke that infiltrates the lungs.