Au Sénégal, Fass Boye, port d’embarquement clandestin pour les Canaries

Plus de 1 500 km séparent le village de pêcheurs du territoire espagnol. Malgré la grande dangerosité de cette route migratoire, les jeunes, désœuvrés, sans espoir, continuent de partir.

A l’abri sous une paillote de fortune sur la plage de sable blanc, Babacar Dièye regarde quelques pêcheurs sortir deux maigres caisses de poissons de leur pirogue colorée. Des gestes répétés à maintes reprises avec son frère de 37 ans qui a disparu dans le bateau secouru le 15 août au large du Cap-Vert, qui avait pour objectif de rejoindre clandestinement les îles espagnoles des Canaries. « Je suis encore sous le choc… Nous n’avons pas de corps, ni personne pour nous expliquer les raisons de son décès, c’est trop dur », se lamente le pêcheur, qui a pris en charge la veuve et les quatre enfants du disparu.

A List Of The World’s Strongest Military Powers

  1. Switzerland
    The Swiss Armed Forces are the country’s primary defense force on land and in the air. Some regular soldiers comprise a minor portion of the military under the militia system.

Volunteers aged 19 to 34 were also a massive help to the military. As a landlocked country, it has a limited need for naval warships.

In truth, there are just 21,000 people now serving in the military. It is common for the military to participate in peacekeeping activities and missions because of its long history of neutrality.

Brown Future: Migration Flows And The Law Of Unintended Consequences

The report is horrible to contemplate. A major Western human rights organization reports that Saudi border troops may have killed hundreds of Ethiopian migrants attempting to enter the Kingdom’s borders from Yemen.[1] Whatever the details or context of this particular case turn out to be, the upshot is that here was a country that would defend its borders aggressively, with deadly force. Despite frequent criticism of American and European border policies, that rarely happens with those countries.

Jihadist Attack Claims Lives of 11 Soldiers in Northwestern Syria’s Idlib Province

A devastating attack by jihadists has left a trail of destruction and loss in northwestern Syria’s Idlib province. On Saturday, militants belonging to the Ansar al-Tawhid group and the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) carried out a coordinated assault that claimed the lives of at least 11 soldiers. According to reports from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the attackers strategically detonated explosives placed in tunnels beneath army positions before launching a violent onslaught.