On September 10, 2023, the Al-Sahab Media Foundation, the official outlet of Al-Qaeda’s Central Command, released Issue 11 of its Arabic-language Ummah Wahidah (One Ummah) periodic magazine. The current issue is “dedicated to the 22nd anniversary of the #September_attacks,” perpetrated by Al-Qaeda against the U.S. on September 11, 2001.[1]
Every so often, history presents us with stories that sound more like Hollywood scripts than factual events. Among the pantheon of could-have-been episodes from the past, Operation Northwoods stands out as one of the most startling and controversial.
Comme je l’ai indiqué par le passé, le monde occidental a été à deux doigts d’être complètement assujetti et placé sous une tyrannie médicale perpétuelle par une coalition de responsables gouvernementaux, d’intérêts globalistes et d’entreprises partenaires. Les analystes du mouvement pour la liberté ont souvent parlé de «conspiration ouverte», mais ce n’est qu’avec la réponse à la pandémie que nous avons vraiment vu le masque tomber et l’ordre du jour se révéler.
The meteoric rise of the Religious Zionists, a sleight of hand that outdoes master Netanyahu, surprises everyone and delights few. How did this happen, who let it happen, and what can be done after the entrenchment of those who hold a prayer book in one hand and a rifle in the other hand? What happened to Theodore Herzl’s Political Zionism and its successor, David Ben Gurion’s Labor Zionism?
L’Institut d’Etudes et de Sécurité a mené des enquêtes sur le phénomène dans les quatre départements du nord Bénin et a dévoilé les résultats de ses investigations mercredi à Cotonou.
Les groupes jihadistes qui attaquent le nord du Bénin bénéficient de la complicité des réseaux de trafiquants qui opèrent depuis de longues années dans cette partie du pays. C’est un rapport de l’Institut d’Etudes de Sécurité (ISS) qui le révèle.
On the conflict’s 12th anniversary, everyday Syrians face a dire humanitarian situation, while Assad’s grip on power holds steady.
Twelve years into Syria’s devastating civil war, the conflict appears to have settled into a frozen state. Although roughly 30% of the country is controlled by opposition forces, heavy fighting has largely ceased and there is a growing regional trending toward normalizing relations with the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Over the last decade, the conflict erupted into one of the most complicated in the world, with a dizzying array of international and regional powers, opposition groups, proxies, local militias and extremist groups all playing a role. The Syrian population has been brutalized, with nearly a half a million killed, 12 million fleeing their homes to find safety elsewhere, and widespread poverty and hunger. Meanwhile, efforts to broker a political settlement have gone nowhere, leaving the Assad regime firmly in power.
In a move that has reverberated across the international stage, China released a new map on August 29, 2023, following the BRICS meeting held in South Africa. This seemingly innocuous act of cartography has far-reaching geopolitical implications, as it asserts China’s territorial claims over several disputed areas, unsettling not only its neighbors but also the delicate balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region.
Recently, the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) made headlines with a propaganda video that seems aimed at discrediting Pakistan and its law enforcement agencies (LEAs). The video suggests that Pakistan and its LEAs are unable to eliminate TTP hideouts, bases, and strongholds.
«Les fondements historiques de la France en Afrique ont été ébranlés», ont rapporté certains journaux français dernièrement. Ils se sont penchés sur les récents coups d’État successifs dans les pays africains, alliés de Paris. La presse française a abordé le coup d’État qui a conduit au renversement au Gabon. Or, Le Figaro écrit que la diplomatie française a perdu son équilibre à cause de l’épidémie de coups d’État en Afrique. La Croix a souligné qu’«avec le Gabon, c’est un pilier historique de la France en Afrique qui vacille». Le Point a précisé que la France a manqué la «mondialisation de l’Afrique» à travers les coups d’État.
US President Joe Biden has been very firm with countries that have politico-economic relations with Russia. Equally, Vladimir Putin has been very firm in his warning to the US and the Western bloc not to cross his undefined “red line”. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the West not to cross a “red line” with Russia, saying such a move would trigger an “asymmetrical, rapid and harsh” response.