Hamas fires long-range rockets at Eilat, Haifa, as IDF strikes on Gaza continue

Israel accuses Iran of directly aiding terror group; Hamas claims 80 killed overnight; rockets target Ashkelon, Gaza border towns; IDF strikes terror cell in West Bank’s Jenin

Israeli fighter jets continued to pound the Gaza Strip in the early hours of Wednesday, targeting Hamas command centers and other assets and killing a senior commander in the Palestinian terror group, as the terror group fired long-range rockets toward both Haifa and Eilat later in the day.


In recent years, northeast Syria has appeared in news reports only as a new arena of battles between the Axis of Resistance alliance and the Americans. After the assassination of the legendary Soleimani, American bases from Qamishli to the border with Jordan became targets for the Islamic Resistance forces of Syria and Iraq. However, now the Syrian part of the Euphrates region has attracted attention with a new crisis of the local self-proclaimed government. Among the “canton of Jazira,” the political struggle within the largest confederation of the Shammar tribe has intensified.

Conflit israélo-palestinien : le Sinaï, un enjeu clé pour l’Égypte

L’Égypte « ne cédera pas une partie de son territoire pour accueillir des réfugiés palestiniens » de la bande de Gaza. Le maréchal al-Sissi, chef de l’État égyptien depuis 2013, a exprimé, lors d’une récente conférence de presse, son opposition à cette éventualité évoquée depuis les événements tragiques du 7 octobre 2023. « Cette opération vise à pousser les Palestiniens à émigrer vers l’Égypte et cela est inacceptable », a-t-il ajouté.

Turkey’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood

Since the June 30 revolution in Egypt, Turkey has become the regional hub for the Muslim Brotherhood’s international organization. Istanbul has played host to many meetings planning what steps are to be taken against the military-backed Egyptian government after the July 3 ouster of President Mohammad Mursi.

Europe: Demography Governs Democracy

There is a replacement of civilization and the media is not even covering it.

“By 2050, 50 percent of the French population will be mixed.” — Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Radio Classique, May 17, 2021.

“The mayor of Grenoble adopts the arguments and rhetorical formulas of the Muslim Brotherhood: talking about freedom to impose sexism”. — Céline Pina, Le Figaro, May 4, 2022.

Gaza Besieged: Why Israel’s Genocidal Strategy Won’t Destroy the Palestinian Resistance

Israel and its supporters want to destroy Hamas, and kill the “human animals”, as the Israeli defense minister called Palestinians. Such a genocidal strategy will not work.

Even if Israel manages to destroy the leadership of Hamas, another group would take its place. In any case, what is hardly mentioned at all in media coverage of the crisis is that other Palestinian groups were involved in the October 7 attacks – Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Communist Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Palestinian Mujahideen Movement, and the Popular Resistance Committees.

The Development of Zionism Until the Founding of the State of Israel

This article traces the history of European-shaped Zionism during and after the First World War until the founding of Israel in 1948. Its primary aim is to show how the emerging project of the Jewish settlement of Palestine could withstand external and internal difficulties both under the British mandate and in the shadow of Nazism. From the beginning, political Zionism has been characterized by a triad of controversial partition plans, recurring “civil wars” and terrorism. This constellation gives an idea of why the State of Israel – regardless of some diplomatic successes – has failed, especially in the Middle East, to achieve lasting legitimacy either in a historical-political sense or according to international law.

Gaza ar putea sa fie o mare diversiune islamică. Alte cinci fronturi susținute de Iran se activează împotriva Israelului

Cu 120.000 de israelieni evacuați din casele lor pentru a fugi de proiectile și infiltrații, Israelul se confruntă cu cea mai mare și mai diversificată provocare de la războiul din 1973. Fronturile din Cisiordania, Liban, Siria, Irak și Yemen – toate susținute de Iran – se vor activa cu fitilul aprins de masiva ofensivă militară israeliană împotriva grupării fundamentaliste Hamas.

Intelligence Failures – Again

The failure of the U.S. intelligence community has three components: 1) It has become politically charged and lost focus on its mission protecting Americans, instead engaging in partisan politics. 2) It continues to focus on technological intelligence collection rather than the difficult and risky world of human intelligence collection. 3) It continues to suffer from a lack of creativity in anticipating and understanding the new threats being developed by our enemies.