What this war is about

On October 7, Israel became the most dangerous country in the world for Jews. The atrocity Hamas inflicted was literally unbearable

This is a war against the return of Jewish helplessness.

Much of the world reacted to the massacre by calling the atrocity scenes unbearable. When Israelis say those images are “unbearable,” we mean it literally. We cannot bear this, cannot allow the massacre to redefine us as a nation. We are at war to erase the catastrophic perception of Israelis as victims.

Seymour Hersh révèle le diabolique plan israélien pour éradiquer le Hamas, raser Gaza et nettoyer sa population

Une semaine s’est écoulée depuis les terribles attaques du Hamas contre Israël, et les forces armées israéliennes ont donné une image claire et sans concession de ce qui les attend.

Au cours de la semaine écoulée, des jets israéliens ont bombardé 24 heures sur 24 des cibles non militaires dans la ville de Gaza. Des immeubles d’habitation, des hôpitaux et des mosquées ont été détruits, sans avertissement préalable ni effort pour minimiser les pertes civiles.

The Rollercoaster Saga Of Israel-Hamas Relations – OpEd

Initial reports of the gruesome massacre carried out by Hamas in Israel on October 7 came with an unpleasant sense of déjà vu. After the last conflagration in Gaza in May 2021, I had written an article with the unfortunate title, ‘Until the next time…’ It was a safe prediction because the scars of the battles of 2008 and 2014 were still raw and the seeds of this escalation were being sown, even as a tenuous ceasefire had started to take hold.

Multiple Mediators For The Middle East – OpEd

While the world was watching the horrific scenes coming from Israel and Gaza, a comment made by President Biden’s National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan,[1] a few days before the breakout of hostilities, stands out. It conveys, yet again, some of the current U.S. administration’s dystopic views concerning the changing world order.

Israel: White Phosphorus Used In Gaza, Lebanon, Says HRW

Israel’s use of white phosphorus in military operations in Gaza and Lebanon puts civilians at risk of serious and long-term injuries, Human Rights Watch said in releasing a question and answer document on white phosphorus. Human Rights Watch verified videos taken in Lebanon and Gaza on October 10 and 11, 2023, respectively, showing multiple airbursts of artillery-fired white phosphorus over the Gaza City port and two rural locations along the Israel-Lebanon border, and interviewed two people who described an attack in Gaza.