War And Friendship In A Time Of War – Book Review

Salman Rushdie once commented that those who are displaced by war are the shining shards that reflect the truth. With so many people fleeing wars and ecological collapse in our world today, and more to come, we need acute truth-telling to deepen our understanding and recognize the terrible faults of those who have caused so much suffering in our world today. In The Mercenary, Jeffrey Stern has accomplished a tremendous feat inasmuch as every paragraph aims to tell the truth.


Rustam Nugumanov

“Terrorism is when the US plant a dictatorial regime somewhere,

relying on bayonets and using terror against his own people.

Former CIA officer F. Agee.

Intervention in the internal affairs of foreign states became one of the primary directions of US foreign policy immediately after the end of World War II. The key tool in achieving these goals is becoming an agency with virtually unlimited powers, approved in accordance with the National Security Act of 1947, referred to as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Le Forum économique mondial nous promet l’esclavage par l’intelligence artificielle

La mission du Forum économique mondial (World Economic Forum, WEF) est remarquablement simple : le gouvernement mondial doit être confié aux meilleurs et aux plus intelligents. En langage WEF, un schéma de supervision totale et de modification du comportement créera un avenir «durable» pour l’humanité. Les humains sont perçus comme des «choses» à compter, mélanger, catégoriser, étiqueter, surveiller, manipuler et contrôler. Ils deviennent de simples rouages ​​de la grande machine technocratique transhumaniste du WEF.

Henry Kissinger, un criminel de guerre, est toujours en liberté à 100 ans

Nous savons aujourd’hui beaucoup de choses sur les crimes qu’il a commis quand il était en fonction, qu’il s’agisse d’aider Nixon à faire échouer les négociations de paix de Paris et à prolonger la guerre du Viêt Nam, ou de donner son feu vert à l’invasion du Cambodge et au coup d’État de Pinochet au Chili. Mais nous savons peu de choses sur les quatre décennies qu’il a passées au sein de Kissinger Associates.

Bracing for the impacts of new US asylum restrictions

Title 42, a public health rule used to block people from seeking asylum at the US southern border for more than three years, will end on May 11 as the Biden administration announces the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency. In its place, the US will use existing harsh immigration laws and newly announced asylum restrictions meant to deter people from crossing or seeking protection at the US southern border.

Jihadists Warn Members To Beware Online ‘Deepfakes’

Jihadists with ties to Al-Qaeda have warned followers about the possibility that “deepfake” Artificial Intelligence technology could be used to get into, or influence their online discussions.

Security Services, the message suggests, could use fake audio to give fake commands while pretending to be jihadist leaders. Or they could disguise themselves by using the technology to generate authentic-sounding responses.

Réécrire l’Histoire

Devenus imbattables en matière de falsification, les experts du mainstream occidental préfèrent passer sous silence les réalités ou les chiffres qui les dérangent plutôt que de mettre en évidence les 27 millions de morts de la Russie soviétique face aux 290 000 morts décomptés par l’armée américaine (sur les 12 millions de GI’s engagés sur le front occidental). Ni vu, ni entendu, ni lu…

Cold Capitalism And The Carbon Curtain – Analysis

Imagine yourself as a civilian in eastern Ukraine in autumn 2022. Only a few months ago, an apartment building in your neighborhood was obliterated by a HIMARS rocket, which sent a wave of concrete dust careening in every direction. You and your family moved your belongings to a friend’s cellar, a humid, drafty, and claustrophobic space but somewhat safer from the rockets screaming daily overhead. The air outside is murky with a perpetual haze of smoke that infiltrates the lungs.

Is the Military-Industrial Complex Not Just the Means but Also an Important Cause of Forever Wars?

The military industrial complex is comprised of the arms industry and defense contractors, their supporting research establishment, lobbyists and assets. In recent years the military industrial complex of many countries has expanded rapidly, particularly in the case of the USA whose military-industrial complex is much more immense and vast than that of any other country. The military industrial establishment of any leading country is capable of immense destruction, yet considered essential nationally as a means of defense against any other aggressive nation or hostile force.