Bogusław Chrabota: Starajmy się o reparacje, ale bez dęcia w trąby

Nie należy wykorzystywać sprawy reparacji do polaryzowania Polaków.

Nie chciałbym dziś na tych łamach rozstrzygać, czy współczesnej, demokratycznej Polsce należą się odszkodowania za ogrom bestialstwa i zniszczeń, jakich dokonali Niemcy podczas drugiej wojny światowej. Raczej wesprę się posiadaną wiedzą, jaka wynika z publikowanego przez nas w czwartek sondażu: Polacy są w tej sprawie podzieleni niemal na pół. Czyżby dlatego, że ktoś kwestionuje nasze, polskie straty? Nie sądzę, żeby się taki znalazł, poza kompletnymi ignorantami i ludźmi złej woli.

Spirals of Delusion

How AI Distorts Decision-Making and Makes Dictators More Dangerous

In policy circles, discussions about artificial intelligence invariably pit China against the United States in a race for technological supremacy. If the key resource is data, then China, with its billion-plus citizens and lax protections against state surveillance, seems destined to win. Kai-Fu Lee, a famous computer scientist, has claimed that data is the new oil, and China the new OPEC. If superior technology is what provides the edge, however, then the United States, with its world class university system and talented workforce, still has a chance to come out ahead. For either country, pundits assume that superiority in AI will lead naturally to broader economic and military superiority.

To Renew Or Not The 2015 Iran Nuclear Agreement, That Is The Question

The Road Not Taken

After two weeks in Iran during latter part of January 1979, the height of the revolutionary movement against the dynastic, autocratic rule of Mohammed Reza Ayatollah, I had the opportunity for an extended conversation with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in his tent where he received foreign visitors and journalists during his final days in Paris. This was the individual who would serve as uncontested Iranian leader, officially the Supreme Guide, of the Islamic Republic of Iran until his death in 1989.

Addressing Inequality – OpEd

I’m reading a book on political economy that, early on, says “Consider, for example, inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth that result from the stark differences of economic opportunity and power between people in different socio-economic circumstances, particularly those relating to class, race and gender.” It happens to be this book, but that sentence is characteristic of contemporary thinking regarding economic issues. Inequality along racial and gender lines is a hot topic. I wrote about this in The Beacon recently, here, and here.

Allies, Partners And Friends: Hedging Against American ‘Global’ Leadership

America’s allies are hedging against current American approaches to exercise global leadership, mostly in response to its casual abandonment of Afghanistan after two decades of war that cost over $2 Trillion.

Adding to their unease with Washington was the abandonment of over $7 billion of military equipment to the Taliban, and the State Department’s admission that the U.S. had refused to negotiate with Russia about keeping Ukraine out of NATO, arguably forcing Russia’s hand.

The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks Of An Authoritarian Regime

With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.

International Relations Theory Suggests Great-Power War Is Coming

This week, thousands of university students around the world will begin their introduction to international relations courses for the first time. If their professors are attuned to the ways the world has changed in recent years, they will be teaching them that the major theories of international relations warn that great-power conflict is coming.

Why US hegemony is incompatible with a ‘rules-based international order’

A bad argument for invading the Solomon Islands reflects the inherent conflict between America’s dominance and its purported liberal values.

There is no shortage of bad ideas circulating in U.S. foreign policy discourse. On occasion, however, a particularly poor argument can be helpful insofar as it reveals something noteworthy about the assumptions and ideology that produced it.

Quelle place pour la sobriété dans nos modes de vie ?

Changement climatique, déclin rapide et massif des espèces, recul continu du jour du dépassement, accroissement des inégalités… À mesure que les signaux d’alerte sociaux et environnementaux se multiplient, nos modes de développement apparaissent de plus en plus incompatibles avec un avenir positif et durable.