Leaders conclude 31st Arab League summit in Algeria

Arab leaders on Wednesday concluded the 31st summit of the largest annual Arab conference after seeking to bridge the gap on several divisive issues in the Middle East and Africa. The first Arab League gathering in three years took place against the backdrop of rising inflation, food and energy shortages, drought and the soaring cost of living across the region.

Morocco foils another terror plot, captures 5 Jihadists

Moroccan authorities announced on Wednesday the arrest of five jihadists who were preparing terrorist attacks in the country. Aged between 20 and 45, members of the ISIS cell were active in the “Habata Benmansour” village in Kenitra, Sidi Yahya Zaer (near Rabat), Dchira in Inzegane Ait Melloul, commune of Bouaboud (province of Chichaoua).

Education in the Prevention of Violent Extremism and Radicalization Within the Tunisian Youth

First of all, how should we define radicalization? Radicalization refers to a social and moral disruption process. This leads an individual to the adoption of a new vision of society, and new behaviors that, in the end, break the social pact. The European Union gives another definition according to which radicalization is the adoption process, by an individual, of a radical ideology in which violence is advocated in order to reach a specific objective.

Cinq zones de violence des groupes islamistes militants au Sahel

Une panoplie d’acteurs, de facteurs et de motivations caractérise l’environnement sécuritaire de l’ouest du Sahel. Cette réalité appelle à des réponses adaptées à chaque contexte.

Le nombre d’évènements violents impliquant les groupes islamistes militants a quadruplé dans l’ouest du Sahel depuis 2019. Les 2 800 évènements violents prévus pour 2022 sont le double de l’année précédente. La violence s’est étendue dans son intensité et sa portée géographique :

Tigré: Washington suspend l’expulsion des migrants éthiopiens

Les Ethiopiens n’avaient jusqu’ici jamais bénéficié de ce statut, contrairement aux Soudanais.

Les Etats-Unis ont annoncé vendredi octroyer à tous les Ethiopiens présents sur leur sol un statut qui protège de l’expulsion et autorise à travailler, en raison “du conflit armé” et de “la crise humanitaire” dans leur pays.

L’influence russe en Afrique fait débat au Parlement allemand

La Russie mène une campagne de désinformation très ciblée en Afrique afin de discréditer les partenaires occidentaux, estiment des parlementaires.

Les parlementaires de la CDU-CSU mettent en garde : l’influence de la Russie en Afrique a augmenté de manière significative au cours des dernières années. Un engagement qui se fait souvent de manière dissimulée par le biais de représentants comme le groupe de mercenaires Wagner.

Ethiopia’s civil war is raging. How can it get on track toward peace?

As the conflict enters its deadliest phase, U.S. leadership and collaboration with African partners are desperately needed to stop the slide.

In August, the devastating conflict in northern Ethiopia resumed, effectively ending the March 2022 humanitarian truce between the Ethiopian federal government and Tigrayan forces, which many hoped would pave the way for a negotiated cease-fire and peace talks. This week, the African Union’s chairperson called for an immediate cease-fire and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also called on the parties to cease hostilities and participate in talks organized by the African Union. What comes next in Ethiopia will have major implications for its people, the strategically vital Red Sea arena and for U.S. interests in the region. Stepped up, senior-level U.S. engagement is direly needed to get Ethiopia on a path toward peace.

How OPEC+ production cut will impact Egypt

Experts say the OPEC+ decision to cut oil production won’t hit Egypt as hard as some other countries.

The Organization of Oil Exporting Countries and associates, known as OPEC+, decided to cut oil production Oct. 5. The Egyptian cabinet’s associated think tank the Information and Decision Support Center posted a video on Facebook Oct. 11 explaining the move and its repercussions.