US accuses Russia of continuing to arm Wagner Group in Libya

US military’s Africa Command says satellite image indicates Moscow’s Ministry of Defence is ‘supporting’ Russian paramilitary contractor

The United States military’s Africa Command (Africom) said new evidence gathered in Libya points to Russia’s continued involvement in the conflict via a paramilitary contractor known as the Wagner Group.

Haftar deploys more mercenaries to Al-Jufra

The Intelligence and Information Unit of the Operations Command of the Libyan Army has detected columns of armed forces moving towards Al-Jufra district from the east, said the Libyan Army Spokesman, Colonel Mohammad Gununu, confirming that the forces are stationing in three schools in Hun town.

Turkey is becoming a superpower

After extensive exploration, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan cheerfully announced on Friday that his country had made the biggest natural gas discovery in its history. The gas discovered in the Black Sea was estimated by 320 billion cubic metres. Erdogan said that production for commercial use could begin in 2023.

The Balkan route – Background


Starting in 2015, the Balkan region began to undergo a process of (re)borderization. During the summer of 2015, Hungary began to erect a 4 m tall and 175 km long fence along its border with Serbia, the first country along the so-called “Balkan Route” to do so. In the following months, the country launched new measures to guard its border, legitimized by a “state of emergency” catalyzed migration fears. Electronic sensors, electric wire, helicopters, drone patrols, the extension of up to 10,000 Hungarian authorities tasked with managing the border, all marked the rapid securitization of Hungary’s Balkan borders. By October of 2015, a second border fence was completed, running along the Hungary’s border with Croatia.

US hails close partnership with Libyan prime minister

US embassy urges cooperation to provide good governance to Libyan people.

The United States on Saturday expressed appreciation to its close partnership with Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj and his Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha.

Spreading a “Moderate Islam”? Morocco’s New African Religious Diplomacy

Between 22 May and 15 June 2015, King Mohammed VI travelled consecutively to Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d’Ivoire and Gabon with a view to accelerating an African development and cooperation policy in which Morocco wished to position itself. By 2020, the palace aims to at least double its trade that showed a surplus of MAD 9.1 billion (about € 837 million) in 2012 [1]. But, of all the Moroccan initiatives to make this complete u-turn towards the South, it is the religious aspect of its diplomacy which appears to be the most important, the one in which Morocco has its best hand to play, in these times of rising jihadist violence south of the Sahara (Benkirane, 2016).

Cu ochii către Libia

Aproape 90.000 de migranţi au ajuns în Italia numai în prima jumătate a acestui an, după ce au traversat Mediterana, pornind de pe malul libian. După anul 2011, respectiv după începutul Primăverii Arabe în Orientul Mijlociu şi Africa de Nord, cifrele care arată dimensiunea valului de migraţii către Europa fluctuează ameţitor de la an la an şi chiar de la lună la lună, de la câteva mii de oameni la sute de mii. Nu vorbim acum despre refugiaţii care vin din zonele afectate de aceste revoluţii, cum sunt sirienii, ci de migranţii din Africa care au profitat de haosul instalat după căderea dictatorului libian Muammar Gaddafi pentru a găsi o rută către Europa, în special cu destinaţia Italia, Spania, Malta.