Germany: Intelligence Chief Calls for Vigilance, Fearing ISIS Return
A state of alert has taken over in Germany’s capital, Berlin, amidst fears of the return of German ISIS militants held by the Kurds in Syria.
A state of alert has taken over in Germany’s capital, Berlin, amidst fears of the return of German ISIS militants held by the Kurds in Syria.
Russia has been busy on the African continent in recent years. Russian officials acknowledged Russians were on board an Antonov An-72 transport which crashed last week in a remote Congolese forest.
The United States is keeping some troops near oil fields in northeastern Syria to protect them from being captured by Islamic State, defense chief Mark Esper said Monday.
Ouverture réussie pour le premier sommet Russie-Afrique organisé par Vladimir Poutine et co-présidé par le président en exercice de l’Union africaine (UA), Abdel Fattah al-Sissi. Les dirigeants africains ont répondu à l’appel de Sotchi et, en ce premier jour surtout consacré à la coopération économique, promesses, serments d’amitié et contrats se sont multipliés.
Russia has been busy on the African continent in recent years. Russian officials acknowledged Russians were on board an Antonov An-72 transport which crashed last week in a remote Congolese forest.
There have also been reports of Russians killed in civlil war battles in Libya recently. And Russia has been making deals and spending money and making commitments all over Africa.
The United States is keeping some troops near oil fields in northeastern Syria to protect them from being captured by Islamic State, defense chief Mark Esper said Monday.
A senior leader within al Qaeda’s Uqba bin Nafi Battalion (KUBN) was reportedly killed in a military operation earlier today, according to Tunisia’s Ministry of Interior.
Al-Qaeda maintains a stronger position in the Sahel than Islamic State-affiliated groups.
Although Western targets have been struck in recent years, the vast majority of jihadist attacks and resources have been focused on local-level operations in the Sahel.
Au sud du Sahara et au Maghreb, Vladimir Poutine veut voir son pays jouer un rôle de premier plan, comme au temps de la guerre froide. Du 22 au 24 octobre, Sotchi, au bord de la mer Noire, accueillera le tout premier sommet Russie-Afrique.
“We reached a level of injustice we could no longer take. For every action, there is a reaction,” explained one civil society activist following the Oct. 1 outbreak of protests in Baghdad and central and southern Iraq.