Russia has extended its global disinformation campaign to Africa, where it seeks to promote pro-Russian and anti-Western attitudes through propaganda.
Russia has extended its global disinformation campaign to Africa, where it seeks to promote pro-Russian and anti-Western attitudes through propaganda.
Tehran shelters members of the terrorist group Al Qaeda, and it is reportedly continuing to facilitate the group’s operations.
The objective of using the word “Islamophobia” appears to have been to make Islam untouchable by placing any criticism of it as equivalent to racism or anti-Semitism.
Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said on Saturday that Turkey would send captured ISIS members back to their home countries, and he complained about European inaction on the matter.
CHRISTMAS is right around the corner and that means festive markets are popping up across Europe’s cities. A favourite of tourists over the season, unfortunately, recent years have meant they also carry a threat. The FCO has issued an updated warning on the risk of terrorism at Europe’s favourite Christmas markets.
France will take back 11 suspected French extremists from Turkey, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said on Tuesday, a day after Ankara said it was deporting foreign citizens linked to the group.
Libération, toujours dans les bons coups, a relayé un appel de cinquante personnalités à manifester dans la capitale contre la « stigmatisation » des musulmans de France, le 10 novembre. Leur mot d’ordre? « Stop à l’islamophobie ». On note au passage que Jean-Luc Mélenchon clarifie sa ligne politique, en se rangeant du côté de ceux qui ont pu ricaner des morts de Charlie Hebdo.
This debate about repatriation is another example of how confused the West has become when trying to apply its moral principles. The real victims here are the people who were murdered, injured, raped, tortured or displaced by ISIS. Their children, if still alive, will have to live with the consequences of ISIS terror.
Iran is working with key allies in Iraq and Lebanon to forestall political change in the face of significant protests in both countries.
Nous reproduisons ici l’éditorial du numéro 24 de la revue de géopolitique Conflits, ayant pour thème « Djihadisme, mafias: la World Connection »