Special Analysises

10 reasons why Boko Haram still shoots and bombs despite defeat

By Theophilus Abbah At the rate Boko Haram terrorists launch suicide attacks, lay siege on the military, kill helpless civilians, and kidnap the vulnerable in the North-East in spite of

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How Boko Haram killed 30 in Borno

Boko Haram fighters on Sunday killed no fewer than 30 people who were travelers that spent the night in Auno, a community 25km away from Maiduguri. The attack which lasted

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France Reconsiders Force Posture In The Sahel Amid Surging Violence

Islamic State in Greater Sahara (ISGS) is now seen by France and Sahelian countries as the greatest security threat in West Africa.

Reports about a drawdown of U.S. troops in West Africa and ISGS’s growing strength have led France and some countries in the region, including Chad, to increase their military presence throughout the Sahel.

Anarchists in Germany, Greece and Uruguay Claim Responsibility for a Series of Attacks on Municipal, Police and Security Vehicles.

This past week, TRAC Analyst, Kelsey Tamplin discovered on the Act for Free website (Actforfree.com), several claims of responsibility for Anarchists’ attacks in Berlin, Germany; Montevideo, Uruguay; and Thessaloniki, Greece in early January and at the start of February. The methods of attacks ranged from throwing stones at police vehicles to setting vehicles on fire.

The United States: A “Destroyer Of Nations”

In the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 – an invasion which many Iraqis believe left their country in the worst condition it has been since the Mongol invasion of 1258 — there was much discussion in the media about the Bush Administration’s goal for “nation-building” in that country. Of course, if there ever were such a goal, it was quickly abandoned, and one hardly ever hears the term “nation-building” discussed as a U.S. foreign policy objective anymore.

Special Analysises

Erdogan: Evil will arrive at Kaaba if Arab, Muslim countries remain silent

On Friday Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, slammed Arab and Muslim leaders for accepting or remaining silent on the issue of the US “deal of the century”, Turkish media reported.

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Morocco-Israel $48m arms deal

Morocco this week received three Israeli reconnaissance drones as part of $48 million arms deal, French website Intelligence Online reported.

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France sends warships to Mediterranean to deter Turkey

French President Emmanuel Macron has sent warships to the Eastern Mediterranean to give support to Greece against Turkey’s quest for energy reserves in the region.

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Special Analysises

Damascus battles economic collapse as the Syrian pound plummets

Faced with the threat of further sanctions, a volatile situation in neighboring Lebanon, and a brutally tough winter, the only thing currently rising from the embers of war-torn Syria is the value of the dollar against the struggling Syrian pound. This marks the beginning of a dangerous new phase in the Syrian conflict as the government, fresh from its eight-year-long war for survival, tries to fend off an economic collapse from within.

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In Syria, we’re getting counter-terrorism all wrong

While proclamations of ISIS’s defeat were certainly premature, international policy and attention on countering terrorism in Syria has since declined — as if to suggest that the job is done. In fact, as 2020 sets in, the world seems to be getting counter-terrorism all wrong in Syria, in three interlinked ways.

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The Black Sea should be a US and NATO priority

The Black Sea is a very important region for NATO, and has not received the attention it deserves; a separate focused NATO strategy and support for countries in the Black Sea would send a message that the Alliance takes the region seriously.

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