Sweden and its Welfare State in Crisis

Within a generation, Sweden’s third largest city, Malmö, will have a population in which the majority of people are of foreign background. How will integrating immigrants take place then, and which group will be integrated into which?

10 Characteristics of 10 Jihadist Groups Troubling Sahel and Nigeria

Just as Boko Haram and ISWAP attacks have led to thousands of deaths in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger, so have these terror groups caused thousands of deaths in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger Republic. The Jihadist groups include Macina Libration Front, Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS), Ansaroul Islam, Katiba Serma, Al-Qaeda in the Magreb Sahara (AQIM), Al Mourabitoun, Katiba Salheddin, Ansar Dine, Jam’at Nusrat al Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM), and some unaffiliated groups. These groups have a common modus operandi, but operate in different regions and countries. However, in 2017 JNIM was formed as the rallying point for all of them, becoming the international face of the group. A report released by Human Rights Watch in December 2019 showed that between April 2019 and the end of last year, JNIM and its affiliates had killed more than 250 persons in Burkina Faso alone.

Inside Nigeria’s Failed Vision 2020

Ten years may sound like a blurry, distant future. But built into them are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years that provide harbor for infinitesimal opportunities that transform the lives of men and the fortunes of nations. Men and nations who benefit from time are those who employ their imagination in crafting long-term visions and discipline themselves to take little, vital steps leading to the realization of visions propounded by their imaginations.

Reforme dictate și guverne controlate de companii

Aproape două milioane de români riscă să rămână fără pensii, generația celor născuți în anii 1970, ne avertizează guvernul PNL. ”Sistemul de pensii este ca un Caritas”, ne spune ministrul de Finante. „Se lucrează la un proiect. Dacă vă aduceţi aminte, există şi în Camera Deputaţilor un astfel de proiect prin care să poţi să optezi pentru a putea lucra până la 70 de ani. Dacă se va ajunge la concluzia că există o susţinere pentru această idee, este posibil să luăm această măsură”, spune vicepremierul Raluca Turcan. Tot ea spune că Pilonul II de pensii trebuie întărit, că pensia trebuie cât mai mult asigurată dintr-o sursă de finanțare alternativă.

Mossad: The history of Israel’s deadly assassins

Clinical and quick, the killing of Hamas military commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh looked exactly like a Mossad assassination.

Hours after checking into his five-star Dubai hotel room, al-Mabhouh lay suffocated and his killers were on planes out of the country on fake British, Irish and Canadian passports.