In Bosnia’s First ‘Deradicalised’ Syria Fighter, Limited Lessons

For 20 years, Misin Deliu constructed his own monologue in his mind about what he would tell the court on the day he would be called to testify.

Deliu was one of just two survivors of a massacre of Rezalle, a village in the north-western Kosovo municipality of Skenderaj/Srbica, where Serbian forces killed 98 Albanian civilians on April 5, 1999.

Muslim Brotherhood Celebrates 9-Year Anniversary of Arab Spring

The Muslim Brotherhood is celebrating the nine-year anniversary of the Arab Spring this year. Despite coordinating and executing terror attacks against fellow Egyptians, support for the Brotherhood has remained resilient across Egyptian society. This is in large part due to its investments the Brotherhood has made over decades to develop a robust infrastructure and social support networks that have ingratiated millions of Egyptians to its leadership.

Mali: Le chef des opérations de paix de l’ONU, Jean-Pierre Lacroix sur la situation sécuritaire au Mali: « La MINUSMA doit faire plus et mieux »

Avant de clore sa visite entamée au Mali depuis dimanche 26 janvier dernier, le chef des opérations de paix de l’ONU, Jean-Pierre Lacroix était face à la presse, hier jeudi 30 janvier, à Bamako. Il s’agissait pour lui de faire le point de ce déplacement ainsi que les raisons qui l’ont motivé. Tout en appréciant les échanges avec les populations de l’intérieur du pays sur le rôle de la MINUSMA, il a affirmé que celle-ci doit fournir des efforts supplémentaires pour la sécurisation et la stabilisation du pays.

Libya at war: “FX Surcharges Vs Petrodollars” – the reality

The dominant call by all participants at the Berlin Libya conference on 19 January addressed to all parties at war in Libya were, in order of importance; “a fair and equitable distribution of oil revenues”, “implement the UN arms embargo” and “stop using foreign mercenaries”.

Special Analysises

A History of Wahhabism and the Hijacking of the Muslim faith

Our century so far has been overshadowed by a plague which roots, western powers have proclaimed, can be found in Islam and its practice. And though politicians have been careful not to publicly brand all Muslims terrorists, the narrative has nevertheless been one of suspicion and assumption. The words terror and Islam have been juxtaposed too many times in the media for anyone to believe that it was not by “design.” There has been a war of words against both Islam and Muslims. Its aim is rather simple and only too predictable since it falls within an equation of greed and cynicism.

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