US makes efforts for consensus among Libyan parties

The US President, Barak Obama underscored that the USA is making efforts to strengthen consensus among Libyan parties. He also stressed the need to control territorial waters and borders to undermine illegal immigration.

At a joint press conference with the Italian prime Minister Tuesday in Washington, he said; We are focused on enhancing government agreements, and Secretary of State Kerry and others work with his EU colleagues to support the government in Libya, to address problems between the various factions in Libya, and to build their capacities to control their borders and territorial waters, and that if there is no partner it would be a problem.

Mali: Need to counter parties seeking to impede peace agreement implementation

The chief of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), Mongi Hamdi called to stand in the way of the parties seeking to “impede the implementation of the peace agreement in Mali, stressing the need “to continue efforts and consultations within the framework of the Peace Agreement Implementation Monitoring Committee.”

Libya’s FM calls for airstrikes against Daesh

Libya’s foreign minister Tuesday renewed a call for the lifting of an arms embargo and for international airstrikes to help tackle ISIS, which threatens to create a “rear base” in the country.

“The situation is extremely serious,” Mohammad al-Dayri, foreign minister for Libya’s internationally recognized government based in Misrata, said on a visit to Paris. “People are dying, are crucified, are disinterred from their graves, are burned alive. Libyans don’t understand why the international community doesn’t wake up to these dangers.”

NATO’s top military commander visits Kiev

NATO’s top military commander jetted into Ukraine for high-level talks on Wednesday as fighting rumbled on between government forces and Kremlin-backed rebels in the east.

US General Philip Breedlove was set to meet with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko as Kiev stirred further Russian ire by stating it hoped to join the Western security alliance.

Poroshenko this week mooted an eventual referendum on joining Nato and Ukraine’s new pro-Western government has included a desire for membership in its official programme.

Egypt, France Presidents discuss Mideast situation

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and his French Counterpart Francois Hollande agreed to cooperate in efforts to counter terrorism, resolve the Palestinian situation and support the current Iraqi government.

In a joint press conference held in Paris, Al-Sisi noted his discussions with Hollande were “fruitful” and reflected unified opinions regarding bilateral, regional and international relations.

Russia’s militarisation of Crimea will affect entier Black Sea, NATO military commander warns

NATO’s top military commander said during a visit to Kiev on Wednesday that Russian forces were still operating in eastern Ukraine, providing the “backbone” to separatist rebels fighting government forces.

NATO’s top military commander has also warned that Russia’s “militarisation” of the annexed Crimea region could be used by Moscow to exert control across the whole Black Sea region.

Biden ends Turkey visit

US Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday wrapped up a key visit to Turkey without a breakthrough on military co-operation in the Syrian crisis but with officials confident the talks brought their positions closer.

During his three-day trip to Istanbul, Biden held several hours of talks with both Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on the crises created by the capture by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) jihadists of swathes of Iraq and Syria.