Reports shed light on mercenaries, terrorists sent by Turkey to Libya

Total of 2,500 Tunisian ISIS members sent to the North African country, according to watch group.
Total of 2,500 Tunisian ISIS members sent to the North African country, according to watch group.
Turkey has openly admitted that its secret service MIT is taking ISIS members out of the Hol Camp in northeast Syria.
From time immemorial, up to the present day, there has been continuous Jewish presence in this area, with elements residing today within the Jewish people’s own sovereign national State of Israel, and others residing in the areas of the Holy Land in Judea and Samaria that are subject to an ongoing negotiation within the Middle East peace process as to their final political status.
Rarely do terms such as “Islamic State” and “natural justice” keep company. Both seem alien, uncomfortable, fundamentally ill-suited. For one, Islamic State’s own approach to natural justice, archaic and stone-age obscurantist, has tended to be distinctly unnatural and particularly brutal. But it has also invited, in response to its particular brand of terrorism, a troubling approach on the part of governments determined to excoriate it. For those taking to its sources of fanaticism, harsh measures are meted out.
Berlin police are investigating 12 suspects who are accused of financing terrorism, among other crimes. Investigators have carried out a total of 20 search warrants.
Social media is the cornerstone of recruitment and planning for all militant networks; nothing more so than encrypted chat platforms. Recent media reports have been misleading regarding Neo-Nazi use of Telegram being hampered by security sweeps on the platform. While TRAC noted that a dozen or so accounts were taken down in late June 2020, since that time Telegram use has gone unabated on the encrypted platform. With over a billion users worldwide, Telegram now also attracts anarchists as well. Though European anarchists continue to prefer private blogs for communication, North American anarchists quietly entered the Telegram space in 2020. Islamic State and AQ both continue diffuse across multiple platforms, but their foreign language outlets remain unscathed on Telegram.
Do death threats, weapons depots and swastika graffiti all point to right-wing extremist networks among German police? Experts criticize the lack of will police show when it comes to investigating right-wing connections.
If Israel were to end its existence as the nation-state of the Jewish people — as Beinart advocates — and become a Jewish “homeland” in a single binational, bi-religious state, a demographic war would become inevitable, in which Jews and Muslims would compete to become a majority. As soon as a Muslim majority materialized, the Jewish “homeland” would become precisely the kind of “Bantustan” that Beinart has railed against in the context of South Africa.
It’s time for us to stop denying the facts – Serbia funded and armed the Bosnian Serb regime that massacred thousands of Bosniaks from Srebrenica in July 1995.
Any peace agreement concluded between Kosovo and Serbia should not undermine efforts to hold wrongdoers accountable for atrocities during the 1998-99 conflict, said ex-prosecutor Clint Williamson, a former US ambassador for war crimes.