Kosovo: night clubs shut down for human trafficking

The Kosovo police have shut down 34 night clubs across Kosovo as part of an operation aimed at preventing human trafficking.

A directorate in charge of investigating this type of crime checked 71 establishments during March, April and May, and IDed 389 women employed there.

“Terroristes” en Tunisie : que révèlent les dossiers judiciaires ?

Les présumés terroristes tunisiens ont-ils des spécificités qui les différencient des autres terroristes dans le monde? Y a-t-il des caractéristiques communes qui permettraient de dresser le profil type d’un “terroriste” tunisien? Comment deviennent-ils terroristes? Que faisaient-ils avant de le devenir? Où se sont-ils entraînés? Analyse du profil des présumés terroristes tunisiens en chiffres.

L’erreur généralement commise lorsqu’il est question d’analyser le phénomène des terroristes jihadistes est la généralisation. Cela a pour résultat de dégager une image stéréotypée des terroristes qui n’admet pas d’exceptions et place l’ensemble dans un même panier réunissant les causes, les faits et les résultats. Ainsi, le terrorisme est souvent considéré comme étant lié à la pauvreté, à l’analphabétisme, aux quartiers populaires et aux régions intérieures marginalisées. L’ensemble de ces qualifications peuvent représenter une partie des spécificités auxquelles pourraient répondre certains présumés terroristes – tunisiens ou étrangers – mais il est impossible, selon les informations qu’apportent les affaires judiciaires en lien avec le terrorisme, de dresser un portrait unique du terroriste tunisien.

Ces données chiffrées ont été réunies dans une étude quantitative, “Le Terrorisme en Tunisie à travers les dossiers judiciaires” élaborée par le Centre tunisien de la recherche et des études sur le terrorisme (un centre créé fin 2015 par le Forum tunisien pour les droits économiques et sociaux) et présentée en octobre 2016. Environ 1000 cas de terroristes présumés (appelés “terroristes” dans le rapport) ont été analysés et compilés.

L’étude se base sur les dossiers et documents judiciaires disponibles auprès des tribunaux de 2014 à fin 2017. L’équipe de recherche a consulté 384 dossiers où figurent quelque 2224 accusés de terrorisme.


70% des “terroristes” sont passés par des camps d’entraînement en Libye

Selon le rapport, 98,8% des présumés terroristes en Tunisie ont la nationalité tunisienne, ce qui confirme la présomption selon laquelle le terrorisme serait une “industrie locale”, les étrangers étant quasiment absents de la plupart des opérations terroristes qui se sont produites sur le territoire tunisien.

Arab League calls for int’l probe into Israeli crimes

Arab League chief Ahmed Abul Gheit on Thursday called for an international probe into “crimes” committed by Israeli occupation forces against Palestinians during a protest on the Gaza border on Monday.

“We call for a credible international investigation into the crimes committed by the occupation,” Abul Gheit said at the opening session of an extraordinary meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo to discuss the developments.

French FM: Israeli killings in Gaza “unjustified, disproportionate”

The live fire actions by Israeli soldiers and the killing of almost 100 Palestinians and the wounding of thousands of others in two weeks of protests on the Gaza-Israel border were “unjustified and disproportionate,” French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Tuesday.

Speaking to the French Parliament a day after almost 60 Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli snipers during a protest, Le Drian recalled the “firm condemnation of France” in light of these killings.

European Parliament cmt condemns killing of Palestinians by Israeli troops

Pier Antonio Panzeri, Chair of the European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights, has condemned the killing of nearly 60 Palestinians by Israeli troops at the Gaza Strip on Monday.

“We cannot remain silent in the face of what happened on Monday: a number of Palestinians killed and injured, amongst them several children, during the mass demonstration near the Gaza fence. Nothing can ever justify the use of military force against civilians who exercise their legitimate rights to protest peacefully,” he said in a statement Wednesday.

58 dead in Gaza protests as Israel fetes US Embassy move

Israeli police officers and Palestinian protesters crashed violently in front of the Qalandya checkpoint near Jerusalem at 4:00 p.m. Monday (local time). It was during middle of the official opening ceremony of the US embassy in Israel’s move to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. On the day, some 40,000 Palestinian residents participated in the protest at the Gaza Strip and the west bank of the Jordan river.

Hundreds of Palestinian residents gathered to protest at the Qalandya checkpoint near Jerusalem. Most were in their teens or twenties in masks. Children a little over 10 were also among the protestors but it did not stop Israel from throwing tear-gas and shooting baton rounds.

The crash in the Gaza Strip was even more tragic. Jerusalem Post, a local newspaper, reported that at least 58 were dead and 2,771 were injured in the area alone.

Grecia : Trei spanioli și doi danezi, salvatori pe mare, acuzaţi de trafic de migranţi au fost puși în libertate

Tribunalul din Mytilene, principalul oraş din insula greacă Lesbos, i-a pus luni în libertate pe cei trei spanioli şi doi danezi acuzaţi că au contribuit la intrarea ilegală de migranţi în această insulă din Marea Egee, unde ei participau la acţiuni de salvare pe mare în 2016, informează AFP, potrivit agerpres.

Judecătorul s-a opus rechizitoriului procurorului, care ceruse un verdict de culpă pentru cei cinci.

‘S-a făcut dreptate’, este ‘o mare victorie pentru ajutorul umanitar’, a comentat într-o postare pe contul său de Twitter organizaţia non-guvernamentală Prome-AID, din care fac parte cei trei spanioli, pompieri din Sevilla, care au beneficiat de o amplă campanie de susţinere în Spania şi din partea organizaţiilor umanitare.

Germany, France, UK pledge to continue nuclear agreement with Iran

Germany, France, and the United Kingdom on Monday said they would honor a nuclear deal signed between Iran and world powers amid an ultimatum by the United States about a cancellation of the pact.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed between Iran, the US, the United Kingdom, Germany, China, Russia, and France in 2015.

Iran signed the deal promising to halt its nuclear program in return for the lifting of international sanctions.