Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

In major escalation, deadly clashes erupted along state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, killing at least 18, raising risk of further hostilities in August.

Ahrar Al-Jufra Group: Large mobilization of Janjaweed mercenaries in Al-Jufra

The Spokesman for the Ahrar Al-Jufra Group (Jufra Freedom Group), Mahmoud Ghomais, reported that there have been dubious movements in the Al-Jufra and Sirte areas approximately a week ago, confirming in a television statement, that his group has monitored large and continuous mobilization of Haftar’s militias and Janjaweed mercenaries in the Al-Jufra area.

Increased Turkish, Maltese Italian diplomacy with Libya – the development of a new tripartite relationship as Italy attempts to pushback?

Turkish-Maltese relations have developed over the issue of Libya recently. Some analysts choose to see this as another example of further EU policy fragmentation – whilst others see Malta as conveniently representing the EU and ensuring EU policy is not totally overlooked. The mention of illegal migration in meetings is seen as evidence of this.