Turkey conducts naval exercise off Libya coast

Search, rescue exercise carried out within scope of Turkish Naval Task Group’s activities, says Defense Ministry
Search, rescue exercise carried out within scope of Turkish Naval Task Group’s activities, says Defense Ministry
Les sénateurs n’ont pas de courage, mais se réservent le droit d’en avoir un jour
« Élections sénatoriales, c’est parti », titrait le 4 septembre dernier sur son site la chaîne parlementaire Public Sénat. Comment ne pas soupçonner que c’est pour ces élections, qui auront lieu le 27 septembre prochain, qu’ont été bâclées les élections municipales ? Les élus locaux étant les grands électeurs des élections sénatoriales, le Président du Sénat ne pouvait que s’inquiéter qu’elles pussent être différées. Lors du premier tour des municipales, certains responsables politiques ne lui ont-ils pas imputé la faible participation des citoyens à ce scrutin (44,66%) ? Le second tour sera pire, avec une participation de 41,6%.
Delegates from Libya’s internationally recognized government and from putschist Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s side on Thursday agreed on the criteria for appointments to their country’s key institutions, a joint statement made at talks in Morocco said, while hundreds of people in the city of Benghazi took to the streets to protest dire living conditions.
Tensions between Athens and Ankara could escalate with terrible force at any moment, which will be one of the reasons why Turkey is taking drastic measures to preserve the country’s integrity.
LNA’s complacency with movement risks contributing to the spread of extremism and the change of the religious identity of Libyan society.
Eastern Libya is being increasingly infiltrated by the Salafist movement, and the matter has become of great concern to the local population that views the members of this movement and its fatwas as alien to the cultural and religious environment as Libyan society is known for its moderation and its traditional ties to Sufism. In recent years, however, hardline fatwas have made their way into society.
Egypt shows openness to contacts with political forces in western Libya.
UN-sponsored negotiations resumed Thursday in the Moroccan city of Bouznika between representatives of the Tobruk-based parliament and the High Council of State (HCS), amid disagreements over a proposal for Turkey’s exit from Libya.
Hess may attempt to load a cargo of crude oil from Libya’s Es Sider port this week. If successful, the loading represents a glimmer of hope for oil-rich Libya who has had its oil production brought down to just 100,000 barrels per day amid port closures as a result of the civil unrest, from 1.2 million bpd at the start of the year.
Hardly mentioned in local media and rarely appearing in person, Major Hassan Maatouk is being groomed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for a possible leading role within General Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA). Since the LNA lost its offensive to take Tripoli last June, when it retreated instead to the Sirte-Jufra region, there have been whispers about the fate of the octogenarian general and whether he could continue his divisive role in war-torn Libya.
Après le départ de Habib Khedher, le président du parlement tunisien Rached Ghannouchi a choisi une personnalité peu connue du grand public pour diriger son cabinet.
Move comes after Libyan warlord’s militias violate ceasefire five times, says spokesman for government’s armed forces.
Militias loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar have deployed 80 military vehicles near Sirte, a spokesman for the Libyan government’s armed forces said Wednesday.