Libyan Brotherhood backpedalling on Bouznika understandings

Dampening optimism, the delegation of the Supreme Council sent negative signals, including hints that the position of Central Bank governor could be withdrawn from the region of Barqa.
Dampening optimism, the delegation of the Supreme Council sent negative signals, including hints that the position of Central Bank governor could be withdrawn from the region of Barqa.
The head of the Government of National Accord said on Wednesday he wants to hand over power to a new administration by end of October
The Tripoli-based UN- recognised Government of National Accord’s (GNA) Premier Fayez Al-Sarraj announce his resignation in a televised speech to the Libyan people from the capital, Tripoli late on Wednesday.
While President Trump lashes out at rioting and looting in Portland and Kenosha, half way around the world, the USA and Turkey are plundering and looting Syria on a vastly greater scale with impunity and little publicity.
Depuis que l’armée libyenne (GNA) a repris le contrôle de Tripoli fin mai, elle est confrontée aux mines antipersonnel et autres engins explosifs, laissés, selon plusieurs ONGs, avant de fuir, par les combattants de l’Armée nationale libyenne (ANL) autoproclamée du maréchal Khalifa Haftar. La zone est vaste et les mines tuent quotidiennement des innocents. Pour accélérer les opérations de déminage, l’armée libyenne s’est équipée de robots.
Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj is reportedly planning to resign from his post and take on a caretaker role in the Tripoli government, a move that could complicate prior agreements with Ankara and raises questions over future bilateral ties.
Libya’s Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj plans to announce his resignation soon but will stay on in a caretaker capacity through negotiations for a new government in Geneva next month, according to officials familiar with his thinking.
Desperate refugees crammed into cockle-shell boats landing on the shingle beaches of the south Kent coast are easily portrayed as invaders. Anti-immigrant demonstrators were exploiting such fears last weekend as they blockaded the main highway into Dover Port in order “to protect Britain’s borders”. Meanwhile, the home secretary, Priti Patel, blames the French for not doing enough to stop the flow of refugees across the Channel.
On August 18, 2020, several days following the announcement of the normalization of relations between the UAE and Israel, which inter alia stated that all Muslims are permitted to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to pray there,[1] the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, issued a fatwa (opinion on a point of Islamic law) which indicates that residents of the UAE are forbidden to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque and that Palestinians should boycott and shun them.
Au moins 24 migrants et réfugiés qui tentaient de gagner l’Europe sont présumés morts en Méditerranée dans le naufrage de leur embarcation au large de la Libye, a déclaré mardi l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM).
Migration barely came up at the recent G-7 summit in France—a far cry from just two years ago, when Italy hosted the G-7 in Sicily, which has seen an influx of migrants and asylum-seekers given its proximity to North Africa.