Refugees or hijackers? Teenagers charged with terrorism in Malta

Someone has broken the law, but was it three teenage migrants, or the boat captain who said he’d been hijacked?

In March this year, a group of more than 100 migrants embarked upon an already deflating raft to cross the Mediterranean Sea from Libya. Their rescue story would later become a landmark case in Malta, a key first port of entry for migrants hoping to reach Europe.

ISIS Is Still Alive and Well in Sinai, and Israel Fears a Major Attack on Its Egypt Border

ISIS may have been crushed in Syria and Iraq, but the group’s branch in the Sinai Peninsula is continuing to function without any noticeable problems.

Although the American-led coalition has successfully put down the Islamic State and forced most of its operatives out of the last areas they controlled in northern Iraq and eastern Syria, the group’s branch in the Sinai Peninsula is continuing to function without any noticeable problems.

Bosnia Failing to Ready Local Staff for Syria Returnees

A preoccupation with the security aspect of bringing back men, women and children from former Islamic State territory means Bosnia has neglected to fully involve social workers, teachers and health professionals in areas where returnees will be settled, according to an analysis by BIRN.