Liste de 64 coups d’État ourdis par les États-Unis entre 1947 et 1989

Il s’agit de la liste des coups d’État américains pendant la guerre froide présentée dans le livre universitaire très apprécié de 2018 «Covert regime change», de Lindsey O’Rourke.

(Seule la date de début de chaque coup d’État est indiquée ici, mais certains de ces coups d’État ont duré des années ; 39% ont réussi à renverser le gouvernement, 61% n’y sont pas parvenus.

Ne suivez pas les célébrités américaines, c’est une arnaque

«Quel choix intéressant pour la photo de couverture, peut-être que le bon docteur a puisé dans les archives akashiques. Ils ne sont plus que de gentils travestis de la Transylvanie transsexuelle. Ils peuvent considérer cela comme une revanche pour Hogans Heros et tout le reste de la démence juive qu’ils ont fait avaler au monde entier, exactement comme le Dr Pattberg les en accuse ici».

Journalism out, hasbara in: How Israeli TV news joined the Gaza war effort

Tectonic shifts in Israeli broadcasting have played a key role in shaping the country’s nationalist and militaristic discourse, with Oct. 7 marking their apex.

For the last few months, people around the world have been closely following the ongoing brutality of the war in Gaza. Pictures of Palestinians fleeing south and looking for relatives under the rubble, videos of children searching for food and water — these and more have been circulating on social media and news networks every day since October 7.

Political Drivers of China’s Changing Nuclear Policy: Implications for U.S.-China Nuclear Relations and International Security

The message from Chinese officials has become increasingly clear: the United States and China should first stabilize their political relationship before taking on nuclear issues.


During the first virtual summit between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping in November 2021, the two leaders discussed nuclear issues and, according to U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, agreed to “look to begin to carry forward discussion on strategic stability.”1 This outcome was hardly surprising; as both American and Chinese experts had pointed out, reducing the risk of nuclear weapons use was the countries’ most obvious common interest. Yet, previous U.S. efforts to kick-start a nuclear or strategic stability dialogue with China have been unsuccessful.

BRICS ‘Suspends’ Its Strategic Expansion: Implications And Challenges – Analysis

Russia has suspended BRICS expansion. It happened on the eve of the XVI summit under the motto “Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security” when a multitude of countries with interconnected interest are scheduled for converge in Kazan, capital city of the antonomous Republic of Tatarstan, Russia’s window to the lands of Islam and 2024 BRICS+ capital.

Europe Needs To Find A New Path – OpEd

Somehow, the voice of Europe has lost its former significance. This is hardly noticeable from within Europe, but I assure you, it is very striking when viewed from other continents.

Everything may seem unchanged–Josep Borrell Fontenes, The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, continues to focus on his prominent political issues. The leaders of France, Germany, and the UK remain in the primetime news spotlight. European media produce a considerable amount of content featuring prominent European leaders. Sadly, all of this is just a beautiful facade.

La moitié de la dette de la France est détenue par des pays étrangers

Si vous voulez savoir qui détient la dette de la France, vous serez confronté à une omerta digne d’une structure mafieuse. De ce que nous savons, la moitié de la dette française est possédée par des entités étrangères qui influencent notre politique nationale. Certaines lois, comme celle de la réforme des retraites, ont été imposées par des organismes étrangers tel BlackRock. Ceux qui possèdent la dette française ont plus d’influence que notre propre gouvernement.

Iran Plots Assassination of Trump

Latest Developments

Iran plotted to assassinate former President Donald Trump in recent weeks, U.S. authorities told CNN in a July 16 report. Unrelated to the failed assassination attempt against Trump by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks on July 13, the plot prompted the Secret Service to provide the Republican nominee with increased protection. Iran denied the allegation. Tehran has previously pledged to avenge the death of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) military commander Qassem Soleimani, whom the United States killed in 2020 at Trump’s direction. CNN’s report came as Iran’s acting foreign minister, Ali Bagheri Kani, reportedly expressed interest in resuming talks with Washington over the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal.


Arriving in Moscow on July 8, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Russia India’s “all-weather friend” and praised Vladimir Putin’s leadership in strengthening bilateral ties over the past two decades. The prime minister also said that for a long time, the world had witnessed a “power-driven global order.” “But what the world needs now is confluence, not power, and no one can deliver this message better than India, which has a strong tradition of worshipping confluence,” he said.