Belgian authorities worried about online radicalisation

Federal Prosecutor Frédéric Van Leeuw is constantly on the alert for terrorism in Belgium, but is particularly concerned about “inspired terrorism,” such as online influence and radicalisation of people in front of their computer screens, he explained on Thursday to Sudpresse.

Libya’s Political Instability Makes Room for ISIS to Regroup

Turkey, which signed a military and economic accord with the Libyan government in November, could deprive Greece and the Greek Cypriots of large swaths of their oil and gas exploration areas and force Egypt and Israel to negotiate with Turkey over the construction of natural gas pipelines to Europe.

Turkey’s Gunboat Gambit in the Mediterranean

Erdoğan seems to think that his best defense in the Mediterranean power game is an offense.

One emerging power in Libya, however, is not a Western state actor…. Russia has the potential to step into the Libyan theater with a bigger proxy and direct force, to establish its second permanent Mediterranean military presence.

SUDAN – Another Arab Spring around the Corner

The ongoing civil protests in Sudan have brought up the authoritarian regime of Khartoum into irreversible inevitable decline. However, the escalation keeps on despite the brutality force being used by regime security forces which is unlikely able to stop things from where they departed—things are completely out of control.