War Victims Urged to Raise Voices at Kosovo Guerrillas’ Trials

In a pioneering scheme, victims of alleged wartime crimes are being offered the opportunity to play a role in the upcoming trials in The Hague of former Kosovo Liberation Army guerrillas including ex-President Hashim Thaci.

“The voices of the victims are indispensable to justice.”

Klaus Schwab, „părintele” Forumului Economic Mondial, vorbește de cipuri implantabile în creier: “Marea Resetare va duce la contopirea identității noastre fizice, digitale și biologice”. Tehnologia va permite autorităților să „pătrundă în spațiul minții”

Credeți cu cipurile implantabile sunt povești de SF? Ați râs când Părintele Justin Pârvu sau Părintele Ioanichie Bălan avertizau cu înainte-vedere asupra planurilor transhumaniste? Ele au venit. Sunt aici. Pe masa elitelor globaliste. Care acum le fac publice, în mod deschis.

Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Mahabadi—Assassins’ Motives beyond Iran.

Short analysis by:
Ejaz Hussain,

The assassination of Dr Fakhrizadeh on Friday 27 November is not just ‘another’ incident—it’s causality is greater than it’s aftermath. Having followed closely the roadmap to JCPOA (October 2015), course of negotiations in Switzerland and Austria, and post-JCPOA developments—the compass of my anschauung of this highly planned killing is much wider than the prism of the world media.

Erdogan, le sultan voyou

Les invectives à répétition dont le président turc Erdogan abreuve Emmanuel Macron ont sans doute une visée politique: faire de la Turquie une puissance mondiale et de lui-même un nouveau calife. Elles sont aussi le reflet de son caractère profond, celui d’un homme élevé à la fois à l’école islamique et à l’école de la rue.

Egypt backs Polisario Front, risks relations with Morocco

As the conflict between the Polisario Front and Morocco intensifies, more than eight Arab countries rush to declare their full support for the kingdom, while Egypt simply calls on the parties to show restraint and refrain from any provocative actions.

Why refugees won’t return to Syria

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s call on Syrian refugees to return to the homeland has sparked many reactions, as some still fear returning to cities and towns occupied by Iranian forces accused of violations and abuses against the locals.

Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist Fakhrizadeh Assassinated

Senior Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi, a high-profile figure in the country’s nuclear energy program, has been assassinated in Damavand, east of Tehran.

According to several media reports, the scientist was killed on Friday, Nov. 27, 2020, in the Absard region of Davamand.

Libya’s Interior Ministry secures National Oil Corporation HQ in Tripoli after assault

The Libyan Interior Ministry said it had instructed all security apparatuses to secure the National Oil Corporation (NOC) after its headquarters was subjected to an attack by an armed group.

The Interior Ministry said in a statement that the security apparatuses in the capital had tackled the attack of the armed group on the NOC as they were authorized to use force of needed and to make arrests of all the perpetrators.