Germany bans far-right ‘Wolf Brigade 44’; finds weapons, Nazi symbols

“There is no place in our country for a group that sows hate and propagates the re-establishment of a Nazi state,” Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said.

Police found a crossbow, machete, knives and Nazi symbols in early-morning raids on Tuesday after banning a far-right extremist group called “Wolf Brigade 44” which the government says wants a Nazi state.

Biden on Iran: Nukes first – again – analysis

Israel may not be happy, but president-elect’s views are better than Obama administration.

The waiting is over.

After writing a more general article in mid-September, US President-elect Joe Biden has finally gotten into the details of his strategy for dealing with Iran.

Lebanese GDP to decrease by nearly 20% in 2020

The World Bank has proposed several reform measures as Lebanon continues to struggle with currency depreciation, the COVID-19 pandemic and more.

The World Bank released a bleak report on Tuesday on Lebanon’s economy in light of the financial crisis, COVID-19 and the aftermath of the August Beirut explosion.

Algeria says three extremists killed in army clash

Three extremists were killed Tuesday in a clash with the Algerian army in the country’s northeast, the defense ministry said, adding that an operation was ongoing.

The army killed “two terrorists following a clash with a dangerous” armed group in Jijel province, the ministry said in an initial statement, later revising the toll to three.

Lutte contre le terrorisme : Le Mali va accueillir des forces spéciales grecques

La Grèce se prépare à envoyer une unité de forces spéciales au Mali pour rejoindre les forces militaires françaises dans le cadre des opérations contre le terroriste.

La période de déploiement n’a pas été encore officiellement annoncée, mais l’information a été donnée par le ministre grec des Affaires étrangères; en marge d’une réunion, la semaine dernière, par visioconférence entre les ministres de la Défense de l’UE .

Mali: Aqmi vise des militaires de l’opération Barkhane à Kidal, Gao et Ménaka

Plusieurs attaques terroristes, revendiquées par al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique, ont visé simultanément la force française Barkhane ce lundi matin, dans le nord du Mali. Il s’agissait essentiellement de tirs de roquettes ou d’obus. Il y a très peu de dégâts matériels et aucune victime n’est à déplorer, mais ce qui frappe, c’est la coordination de ces attaques.

Iran Denounces US-Israel-Saudi Arabia Plot to Kill Scientist

Advocates of “maximum pressure” politics are trying to seize Trump’s last days in office to generate chaos in the Middle East region.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif Tuesday assured that the murder of the head of the Iranian nuclear program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was part of a conspiracy between the U.S., Israel, and Saudi Arabia.