Algérie : révélations d’un terroriste sur le « deal » des otages du Mali
NÉGOCIATIONS. Arrêté fin octobre en Algérie, un ancien élément des groupes armés du nord du Mali révèle les détails de la libération des terroristes contre celle des otages.
NÉGOCIATIONS. Arrêté fin octobre en Algérie, un ancien élément des groupes armés du nord du Mali révèle les détails de la libération des terroristes contre celle des otages.
L’Éthiopie et le conflit dans la province du Tigré est toujours à l’agenda de plusieurs organisations internationales, mais sans grand résultat pour l’instant. Et les autorités fédérales n’entendent pas transiger.
Le Secrétaire général de l’ONU, António Guterres, s’est dit lundi très préoccupé par la situation actuelle dans la province du Tigré en Éthiopie et a estimé « essentiel de restaurer rapidement l’Etat de droit, dans le plein respect des droits de l’homme».
As a jihadi insurgency spreads across the Sahel, EU countries are responding to France’s call for increased troop deployments in the region. A Franco-Estonian elite unit, styled Task Force Takuba, has arrived in northern Mali and is based near the city of Gao. Czech and Swedish forces are due to arrive soon. From media reports, the deployments go beyond the training and support of indigenous military.
Then there is the Turkish Hezbollah, a Sunni violent organization that aims to found a Kurdish-Islamic state based on sharia. Although the Turkish Hezbollah is not to be confused with the Lebanese Hezbollah, it too has links with the Shia regime in Iran.
Now they [the Europeans] find themselves locked into what they know is a phoney and highly dangerous nuclear agreement that simply consigns confrontation with a nuclear-armed Iran to future generations.
They [the Iranian leadership] look at Europeans, as well as Americans, with contempt, as weak and decadent, lacking the courage or resolve to stick up for their own interests…. President Trump gave them pause for thought, especially when he ordered the death of Qasem Soleimani…. They have higher hopes of Biden, whom they expect to be more supine.
A war memoir written by a former Russian paratrooper who fought in Syria for the Kremlin-backed mercenary Wagner Group, owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a plutocrat nicknamed “Putin’s chef,” had been eagerly awaited.
Taiwan has two defense procurement deals with the United States in the pipeline for 2021, worth approximately US$8 billion, Vice Defense Minister Chang Che-ping (張哲平) said Monday during a legislative hearing.
We may be proved wrong, but our guess is that Tehran will do nothing to raise the degree of tension even by one notch….
Khamenei promised “hard revenge” for Soleimani’s death but has vowed nothing but “prosecution and punishment” of perpetrators. His emphasis is on “the continuation” of Fakhrizadeh’s work.
“If nothing changes, in a few decades, France will have submitted to Islam, and Islamic violence will probably be even greater than today. It is already almost impossible for the country’s leaders to react. They are hostages of a Muslim population that is less and less integrated and whose anger they do not want to arouse. They are under the gaze of groups that immediately denounce any criticism of Islam and under pressure from many countries in the Muslim world that France does not want to offend”. — Alan Wagner, “L’Europe face à l’islam”, interview on Tepa, August 2, 2020.