What became of the ‘Arab Spring’?

In Egypt, protests gathered momentum, and the army pulled its forces from the protests and Mubarak stepped down – to be tried in August on charges of abusing power and killing demonstrators.

Tunisia’s revolution after a fruit seller killed himself a decade ago inspired a wave of revolt in Arab countries as people rose up to demand democracy. This is what happened in each of the main uprisings.

Israel’s historic missile test: A message to Iran, Hezbollah, allies

Today’s warfare is not about hunting down terrorists in buildings or using tanks, it is also about confronting hi-tech missiles and drones

Israel’s Missile Defense Organization and the US Missile Defense Agency have successfully completed an unprecedented, historic test designed to confront multiple threats using a multitiered system. Nothing like this has ever been reported to have been done before, and it represents a response to the latest threats emerging in the region.

Iron Dome intercepts cruise missiles for first time

MoD: System can intercept a variety of threats, including UAVs and cruise missiles

The Israel Missile Defense Organization has successfully completed a series of live-fire intercept tests of the Iron Dome and David’s Sling weapon systems against threat-representative cruise and ballistic missiles, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. It is the first time the the Iron Dome system intercepted a cruse missile.

Sudan’s removal from US terrorism list: What does it mean?

Former President Omar al-Bashir was toppled in April 2019 and Sudan is in transition under a military-civilian ruling council and a government of technocrats.

The US decision to end Sudan’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism comes into effect on Monday. The listing, in place for almost three decades, restricted Khartoum’s economic links and cut it off from much-needed financial assistance.

US removes Sudan from terrorism list

Sudan has had the designation since 1993, on the grounds that ousted President Omar al-Bashir was harboring militant groups. It has cut Sudan off from financial assistance and investment.

Kurdish Families Pay Islamic State Ransom to Free Loved Ones

For more than six months, a frightening thought often kept Kurdish farmer Mofaq Haji Rashid up at night: he might never see his 23-year-old son again.

The nightmare begun during the Muslim holiday of Eid in late May when Islamic State (IS) militants kidnapped Dilan Mofaq Rashid, and his 22-year-old colleague, Issa Taha, while they were on duty as federal security guards for electricity pylons in the northern oil-rich province of Kirkuk.