Reimagining the Security Sector in Sudan
Sudan Webinar Series
March 1 – April 26, 2021
Democratic Transition and the Critical Role of the Security Sector
Session Objectives
Sudan Webinar Series
March 1 – April 26, 2021
Democratic Transition and the Critical Role of the Security Sector
Session Objectives
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has said Nigeria is facing “a state of emergency” as a result of ongoing insecurity. This emergency is commonly understood as the threat posed by Boko Haram in the country’s northeast. However, this understates the complexity and multidimensional nature of Nigeria’s security challenges, which impact all of the country’s regions. At the same time, armed violence is not omnipresent across Nigeria and is primarily concentrated in specific geographic corridors. Following is a review of Nigeria’s diverse security threats, the risks they pose, and the landscapes in which they have germinated.
Confirmed by the Spanish prime minister, Western media reports that two Spanish filmmakers and the Irish president of a conservation non-governmental organization (NGO) were murdered in Burkina Faso near the border with Benin on April 26. Roberto Fraile and David Beriain were in Burkina Faso working on a documentary about poaching. They were accompanied by Rory Young, a Zambia-born Irish citizen who headed Chengeta Wildlife, an NGO devoted to training local residents to counter wildlife poaching; Chengeta reports it trained ninety rangers and other personnel in Africa last year.
On April 28, 2021, the religious official of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) published a post on his Telegram channel commenting on the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan.[1]
Abu Mariyah Al-Qahtani began his post by congratulating the Taliban on the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan and highlighting the group’s long journey toward this outcome, which included fighting with rival groups.
«L’assimilation est un crime contre l’humanité» affirmait le président turc Erdogan en Allemagne en 2008. En France, qu’il se rassure, les immigrés turcs ne se caractérisent pas franchement par leur assimilation. Chiffres.
Au mois d’octobre 2020, diverses villes de France ont été le théâtre des mêmes scènes stupéfiantes. À Dijon, Vienne ou Décines, plusieurs centaines d’individus brandissant des drapeaux turcs ont improvisé des défilés à la nuit tombée, scandant des slogans à la gloire du président Erdogan, des invocations religieuses (« Allah akbar ») ainsi que des menaces de mort envers la population d’origine arménienne.
Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel et Jamel Gorchane étaient-ils des amis d’enfance ? Cette hypothèse mettrait clairement à mal l’idée selon laquelle le terroriste de Rambouillet serait un « loup solitaire ». Et c’est précisément ce qu’affirme le journaliste et écrivain Nicolas Beau, ancien de Marianne, du Monde et du Canard Enchaîné, dans un article paru sur son média d’infos de l’Afrique francophone, Mondafrique.
An unresolved war in the north of the country; ethnic based violence some are describing as genocide in the West; random explosions of aggression in various regions: Ethiopia is trembling.
With around 117 million people, Ethiopia has the second largest population in Africa, made up of 80 or so tribal groups, all with their own cultures, language or dialect. Three big ones dominate: The Oromo (35% of population), Amhara (27%) and Tigrayan (6%). Historic disputes over land and power exist between these powerful groups; grievances which are being aggravated by pernicious elements attempting to destabilize the country.
Despite the negotiation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), we are confronted by the increasing dangers of great power war, even nuclear war.
Instead of making necessary investments to ensure public health, reverse climate change and ensure the security of their peoples, trillions of dollars are being wasted to construct new nuclear weapons and their delivery systems, including new hypersonic delivery systems.
Four people, including three Europeans and a Burkinabe, were missing after an anti-poaching patrol was attacked in eastern Burkina Faso on Monday, security and local sources said.
The group — composed of soldiers, forest rangers and foreign reporters — was targeted in the Fada N’Gourma-Pama area, according to a local official, who added “the provisional toll reports three people injured, four missing”.
Libya’s interim prime minister called off his visit Monday to the country’s east after a government advance security team was turned back from the airport in the eastern city of Benghazi, officials said.
Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah and his Cabinet were to hold a meeting in Benghazi, the main stronghold of Libya’s east-based forces loyal to military commander Khalifa Hifter.