US is whipping up fear of China because Washington simply cannot contemplate a world it does not dominate
According to research by Stop Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Hate, there were nearly 3,800 anti-Asian racist incidents from March 19, 2020 to February 28, 2021, not including those that have occurred the most recently.
America’s annual threat assessment has highlighted the dangers posed by China. The manufactured hysteria about Beijing’s supposed intentions reveals a country unnerved at the prospect of losing its global preeminence.
On the Insidious Discourse of “Terrorism” in the US and How it Functions to Demonize Palestine Advocates and Muslims

Professor Heike Schotten — Still captured from We Will Not Be Silenced webinar at the University of Massachusetts Boston
After Heike Schotten, Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB), co-organized and moderated a webinar at the University of Massachusetts Boston entitled We Will not Be Silenced: The Repression of Academic Freedom and Resistance, from Leila Khaled to UMass Boston, UMB’s public records access office received a request from the Zionist Advocacy Center in New York “pursuant to the provisions of the Massachusetts Public Record Law” for emails from and to the webinar participants that use the terms “Israel,” “Palestine,” “Leila Khaled,” or “We Will Not Be Silenced” between June 1, 2020-October 25, 2020.
Reports from Afghanistan: General’s comment, blast, cost

U.S. general: Afghan forces could face ‘bad possible outcomes’
A May 2, 2021, Washington datelined AP report said:
Afghan government forces face an uncertain future and, in a worst-case scenario, some “bad possible outcomes” against Taliban insurgents as the withdrawal of American and coalition troops accelerates in the coming weeks, the top U.S. military officer said Sunday.
West Darfur Victims Committee calls on Sudan govt and UN to protect civilians

The El Geneina Victims Committee has called on the UN Security Council to send forces to protect the people in West Darfur, citing the inability of the Sudanese regular forces to protect civilians, and accusing some members of the regular forces of being involved in the attacks.
The committee representing the victims of violent attacks on various neighbourhoods in El Geneina and the adjacent camps for the displaced in early April, expressed their concerns in a press conference in the West Darfur capital on Sunday.
US Envoy Heads to Horn of Africa
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is sending his special envoy for the Horn of Africa to the region Tuesday in a bid to de-escalate tensions.
In a statement, Blinken said Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman will visit Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan through May 13.
Ethiopia ‘at a crossroads’ amid spiraling ethnic conflict
Aba Yosief Desta preferred not to discuss the ethnicities of victims in the widening conflicts threatening Ethiopia’s unity.
A wooden cross in hand, the Orthodox monk in yellow robes insisted that victims of massacres “have the same face.”
Speaking to The Associated Press from the city of Gondar, where he manages a diocesan office, he reflected on the first known massacre of the conflict in the neighboring Tigray region. Ethiopia’s government says ethnic Amhara were killed, but ethnic Tigrayan refugees have told the AP they were also targeted.
[Infographie] Front Polisario : une « république » ensablée
Leader hospitalisé en Espagne, recul diplomatique, matériel militaire vieillissant… Où en est la RASD, quarante-cinq ans après sa proclamation ?
De nouveau en guerre contre le Maroc, l’entité sahraouie en exil revendique depuis près d’un demi-siècle l’indépendance du Sahara occidental. Une perspective qui, en dépit du soutien que lui apportent l’Algérie et une dizaine de pays africains, ressemble de plus en plus à un mirage.