Macron le destructeur

L’écologie devait faire partie des grands chantiers du quinquennat. Dans son dépassement de la droite et de la gauche, Macron prenait en compte l’urgence environnementale et souhaitait la dépolitiser, l’aborder de manière pragmatique et changer réellement les choses. Enfin, ça c’est ce qu’il disait. C’est fou, ce que Macron aura dit comme choses et aura fait le contraire depuis quatre ans en matière d’écologie, mais aussi de démocratie sociale, de sauvegarde de l’Etat providence, de lois sociétales enlisées sur le cannabis et la PMA… Des lois qui devaient au moins donner le change à son électorat bourgeois progressiste et montrer qu’il était moderne, tellement moderne !

L’adjuration des centurions

Tous les corps de l’État ont donc le droit de la ramener, de grouiller, de scribouiller, de maugréer, de se politiser et de s’encanailler, sauf les militaires ?

Ils sont la fine fleur de la nation. Ils sont ces femmes et hommes, pas si nombreux, prêts à mourir pour défendre la France si le devoir les conduit à cette terrible extrémité. Ils partagent avec gendarmes, policiers et pompiers une prise de risque fréquente et parfois fatale.

Les militaires d’active, de réserve ou en retraite constituent l’un des derniers bastions de l’honneur, de la fidélité et du respect de l’autorité.

Pourquoi la gauche est-elle en si piteux état ?

   Bien que n’exerçant pas actuellement le pouvoir, la gauche française est en mauvais état. Le désir d’alternance ne joue pas en sa faveur. D’où vient le désamour dont elle est victime ? Quatre causes principales expliquent l’état comateux dans lequel elle végète : déni de la réalité, goût immodéré pour les minorités couplé à un aveuglement à leur sujet, incapacité de parler au peuple, enfin entre-soi arrogant et sectaire.

Déni de la réalité

L’islam turc à l’assaut du modèle français

La polémique autour de la grande mosquée de Strasbourg a révélé l’ampleur de l’influence grandissante de l’islam turc sur le sol français. Cette communauté minoritaire s’est imposée dans les instances musulmanes et près de 50% des imams détachés en France sont issus de ses rangs. Le président Erdogan est à la manœuvre. C’est une grande partie du problème…

Russia Expands Military Facilities in Syria

Russia is expanding its navy base at the Syrian port of Tartus and planning to construct a floating dock to boost the port’s ship repair facilities, according to Russian military officials.

The move comes only weeks after the Russian military extended one of the runways at its Hmeimim airbase, adding to its military foothold in the eastern Mediterranean. The floating dock is scheduled to be completed next year, says Russia’s TASS news agency, quoting military officials.

IAEA says Iran enriched uranium to up to 63% purity

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says samples taken from the Natanz nuclear facility show Iran has enriched uranium to up to 63 percent, and that the purity level is “consistent with the fluctuations” announced by the Islamic Republic.

“According to Iran, fluctuations of the enrichment levels… were experienced,” the IAEA said on Tuesday in a confidential report to its member states, seen by Reuters.

Defense Officials Explain U.S. Policy, Strategy in Afghanistan

The threat of violent extremists attacking the United States or allies from Afghanistan has been greatly reduced over the past 20 years, and any remaining threat emanating from the country can be addressed without a persistent U.S. military presence there, DOD officials told the House Armed Services Committee today.

President Joe Biden announced April 14 that all U.S. troops will be out of Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, the twentieth anniversary of the attack on the United States that the al-Qaida terror group planned and trained for from safe havens in Afghanistan. That attack killed 2,977 innocent people in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. More than 6,000 were injured.

Several Top Hamas Commanders Killed in Israeli Airstrikes

Several commanders of the Hamas militant group have been killed in Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, Hamas and Israel announced Wednesday, as clashes between the two sides escalate.

Hamas said in a statement that the leader of its military operation in Gaza City, Bassem Issa, and other senior military officials were killed in the attacks.

Netanyahu Must Realize the Disastrous Implications of Civil War Type Conditions in Pandemic Times

The rapid escalation of violence, including Israeli air attack, resulting in civil war type conditions in parts of Israel and Palestine territories is deeply distressing and coming as it does in pandemic times threatens to move towards serious humanitarian crisis. The crisis can also widen, leading to violence and tensions in other parts of the volatile region.

The rapid escalation of violence could not have happened just like that on its own. It appears that Benjamin Netanyahu, now in his fifth and highly criticized as well as unstable term as Prime Minister, used a time of tensions to incite violence in such a way as would secure his endangered position in the top post of the country.

Rejecting Pentagon claim, IRGC urges US to stop ‘unprofessional behavior’ in Persian Gulf, Hormuz Strait

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has rejected the Pentagon’s claims that speedboats belonging to the elite Iranian force sparked an encounter with the US vessels, warning the Americans not to endanger shipping security in the Persian Gulf through “provocative” and “unprofessional” behavior.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the IRGC said the US navy’s account of the encounter in the strategic Hormuz Strait was “untrue” and part of an “escape-forward” strategy, calling on the American navy to refrain from “unprofessional behavior” and respect maritime regulations.