America’s ‘Return’ Might Not Be Enough to Revive the West

The United States is “back,” proclaims U.S. President Joe Biden, seemingly as often as he can. The coming week will show if the same is true of the West. At successive summits of the G-7, NATO and the European Union, Biden and fellow leaders will confront a dual task: reviving the community of advanced market democracies and showing that the West is capable of resolving today’s complex transnational challenges.

Avec Olivier Dubois, journaliste otage au Mali

MANIFESTATION. Un rassemblement pour appeler à la libération du journaliste français s’est tenu ce mardi à 11 h 30 simultanément à Paris et à Bamako.

À l’initiative de Reporters sans frontières, du comité de soutien #FreeOlivierDubois, de France Médias Monde (Radio France Internationale, France 24, Monte Carlo Doualiya), des rédactions de Radio France, d’ex-otages tels que Florence Aubenas (Irak) et Didier François (Syrie), de l’Union des Clubs de la presse de France et des pays francophones, de SOS Otages et, bien sûr, des médias avec lesquels Olivier Dubois collabore (Le Point, Libération et Jeune Afrique), un rassemblement s’est donc tenu à Paris, place de la République, ce mardi 8 juin à 11 h 30. Au même moment, à Bamako, à la Maison de la presse une manifestation similaire a été organisée.

Un attentat à la voiture piégée fait au moins deux morts en Libye

Deux agents des forces de l’ordre ont été tués et cinq autres blessés dimanche soir dans l’explosion d’une voiture piégée visant un check-point dans la ville libyenne de Sebha (sud), a-t-on appris de source policière.

“Une voiture piégée a explosé au moment où elle franchissait un barrage déployé par les forces de l’ordre”, a déclaré à l’AFP un responsable de la police à Sebha, ville désertique située à 750 km au sud de Tripoli.

Biden and the Ayatollah’s Game Plan

[I]n dealing with the mullahs it is appeasement that encourages war.

[N]o sooner had Biden’s appeasement squad been deployed than Ayatollah Ali Khamenei… revive[d] the embers of several conflicts into blazing flames.

The revised budget… includes a 62 percent raise in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ share. The Quds (Jerusalem) Force, which is in charge of exporting revolution and keeping the pot boiling in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, sees its budget increased by almost 40 percent. Some estimates put the total increase of Iran’s military budget since 2019 at around 150 percent

G7 back steps to deter tax dodging by multinational firms

The Group of Seven wealthy democracies agreed Saturday to support a global minimum corporate tax of at least 15% to deter multinational companies from avoiding taxes by stashing profits in low-rate countries.

G7 finance ministers meeting in London also endorsed proposals to make the world’s biggest companies – including U.S.-based tech giants – pay taxes in countries where they have lots of sales but no physical headquarters.

Jihadism in Tunisia: A Receding Threat?

What’s new? As the threat of jihadist violence recedes in Tunisia, some of the counter-terrorist measures put in place in 2013 are eroding social cohesion and undermining citizens’ trust in the country’s institutions.

Why does it matter? These government measures have the potential to drive up the number of jihadist attacks, and in worsening socio-economic conditions they could exacerbate crime and urban unrest.

Lost limbs, rising anger as town is caught up in Tigray war

Shops remained shuttered, some government workers hadn’t been paid and the town’s main hospital was utterly laid to waste. But the Tigrayan fighters still claimed victory, swaggering through the streets of Hawzen with their guns.

It wouldn’t last long.

Hawzen, a rural town in the ethnic Tigray region of northern Ethiopia, is a microcosm of the challenge facing Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed — and a warning that the war here is unlikely to end anytime soon. When The Associated Press arrived in May, Tigrayan fighters had recently retaken Hawzen from Ethiopian government troops, laying claim once again to land that has switched control multiple times since the war began in November.

The complexity of German – Serbian historic relations

Today, Germany is a major investor in Serbia and has a significant impact on strengthening the Serbian economy. Suffice it to say that 75,000 workers work in German companies in Serbia. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has repeatedly stated in public that in a few years the number of Serbian workers in German companies in Serbia will exceed 100,000. These are data that inspire hope for the economic strengthening of Serbia, but also for the establishment of stronger cooperation between Serbia and Germany. Especially having in mind the history of German-Serbian relations.

The Imperial geopolitics is facing challenge

Developments on the world stage are stunning. Almost every day, geopolitical incidents and moves are appearing magical.

The developments are challenging the Empire’s geopolitics in regions. Months ago, the Empire gave an impression that it’ll regain ground whatever has been lost, prestige that slipped down from its crown. Immediate moves were taken, at least for public view. Those were image-rebuilding moves, and some other “things”.