Sfânta Greta Trotineta și PeNeNeReta

Și, Doamne!, ce s-au mai îmbuibat secole la rînd.

Ori de câte ori mergi prin capitalele alea mari, celebre, devenite adevărate locuri de pelerinaj turististic, nu poți să nu se strângă inima în tine. Uite, în Paris, palatul ăsta e din banii din colonia aia. Iar statuia asta din Londra e din exploatarea poporului celălalt.

Ex-Mossad chief signals Israel attacked Iran nuclear assets

The outgoing chief of Israel’s Mossad intelligence service has offered the closest acknowledgment yet his country was behind recent attacks targeting Iran’s nuclear program and a military scientist.

The comments by Yossi Cohen, speaking to Israel’s Channel 12 investigative program “Uvda” in a segment aired Thursday night, offered an extraordinary debriefing by the head of the typically secretive agency in what appears to be the final days of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rule.

In Tigray, food is often a weapon of war as famine looms

First the Eritrean soldiers stole the pregnant woman’s food as she hid in the bush. Then they turned her away from a checkpoint when she was on the verge of labor.

So she had the baby at home and walked 12 days to get the famished child to a clinic in the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray. At 20 days old, baby Tigsti still had shriveled legs and a lifeless gaze — signs of what the United Nations’ top humanitarian official calls the world’s worst famine conditions in a decade.

The EU in the Black Sea: Absent, but highly desired

The Memorandum of Understanding signed recently by Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine on enhanced cooperation toward European Union (EU) membership highlights both progress and overall shortcomings of the EU’s Eastern policy. Despite the Union enlarging to the East in 2004 and 2007 – and the fact that Russian aggression has long been felt on EU territory – the bloc’s Eastern policy still does not reflect realities on the ground. However, the recent buildup of Russian military in Ukraine, as well as the deployment of Russian ‘peacekeepers’ in Nagorno-Karabakh, has created momentum for an urgently needed rethink of the Union’s Eastern neighborhood policy. This in turn could pave the way for membership for Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

Is Morocco willing to jeopardize its relationship with Europe over the Western Sahara?

The scene was a familiar one, even if the scale was not. On May 17 and 18, thousands of migrants entered Ceuta, one of two Spanish enclaves in North Africa that border Morocco. The record flow of irregular migrants surpassed 12,000 people — including whole families and hundreds of children — over the course of two days. The Spanish authorities quickly understood that this surge in migration was about more than the usual human desperation that has driven large numbers of people over fences and across water in an effort to enter Europe in recent years. Morocco, troubled over Madrid’s stance on its territorial claims over the Western Sahara, decided to retaliate.

Biden clears the air on ties with Russia and China

The US President Joe Biden’s op-ed in Washington Post My trip to Europe is about America rallying the world’s democracies will draw wide attention in world capitals from Brussels to Beijing.

He says right at the outset that this weeklong trip to Europe, the first overseas trip of his presidency, is “about realising America’s renewed commitment to our allies and partners, and demonstrating the capacity of democracies to both meet the challenges and deter the threats of this new age.”

The Great Reset: The Davos playbook for the post-Covid world

Series Note: We are in the middle of an unprecedented crisis as the Covid-19 pandemic, and the lockdowns implemented in response, continue to deliver a series of economic, social and psychological shocks to the world. In this time of chaos, some of the world’s most powerful interest groups have stepped forward claiming that this crisis presents an opportunity to ‘reset’ the world’s systems.

Sahel: Macron annonce la fin de l’opération Barkhane sous sa forme actuelle

Le président français a annoncé la fin de l’opération Barkhane « sous sa forme actuelle » et la « transformation profonde » de la présence militaire française au Sahel.

C’était attendu, c’est désormais confirmé. Jeudi 10 juin, Emmanuel Macron a annoncé la fin de l’opération Barkhane « sous sa forme actuelle » et une « transformation profonde » de l’engagement militaire français au Sahel, dont « les modalités précises et le calendrier seront précisés dans les jours à venir » – probablement fin juin, lors du sommet de la Coalition pour le Sahel prévu à Bruxelles.