As US withdraws, Afghanistan’s lure returns for Southeast Asian extremists – women and children included

It took 25-year-old Wardini and her two young children almost two months to travel with smugglers by road from Jordan, through Iran, to western Afghanistan. By the time they were arrested by Afghan border guards, she had burned their Indonesian passports. They were not going home, she told an Indonesian consular officer who visited her in a Kabul prison in 2019. With the end of days near, she and her children, both then under three, would live in “Khorasan, the blessed land”, she said.

Pentagon Works to Sharpen Definition of ‘Extremism’

Review could reshape cooperation with domestic agencies, consequences for troops’ social media posts, and more.

How do you define extremism? That’s one question the Defense Department is asking itself as it works to implement the first National Strategic for Countering Domestic Terrorism, released by the White House this week.

Rumors of U.S. Secretly Harboring Top China Official Swirl

Reports that a top Chinese official defected to the U.S. have swept Chinese-language media this week. The alleged reason? Sharing sensitive information about COVID-19 origins.

Chinese-language anti-communist media and Twitter are abuzz this week with rumors that a vice minister of State Security, Dong Jingwei defected in mid-February, flying from Hong Kong to the United States with his daughter, Dong Yang.

The European Union Moves to Fight Terrorist Content Online

The European Union (EU) has adopted a new regulation that is designed to crack down on the dissemination of terrorist content online.

Despite safeguards to preserve freedom of speech, the new EU regulation is unlikely to curb potential tension with U.S. free-speech standards.

The new EU regulation can result in the imposition of financial penalties for non-compliance.

Iran and Venezuela Strengthen Ties as U.S. Looks on Warily

Iran and Venezuela appear to be expanding military ties, even beyond joint efforts to evade U.S. economic sanctions.

An Iranian flotilla carrying drones, assault helicopters, and fast-attack boats has entered the Atlantic Ocean, apparently bound for Venezuela.

Iran’s possible introduction of drone technology to Venezuela would enhance Iran’s efforts to project hard power into the Western Hemisphere.

Germany’s Failed Hezbollah Ban

In retrospect, Germany’s much-vaunted Hezbollah ban appears to have been little more than a publicity stunt aimed at silencing critics of the German government’s pro-Iran foreign policy.

Hezbollah has effectively evaded the ban by transferring many of its activities to charities and cultural centers controlled by Iran.

Des experts de l’ONU alertent sur la prolifération des engins explosifs improvisés en RDC

“Le groupe recommande que le Conseil de sécurité charge la Monusco (force de l’ONU en RDCongo) d’améliorer sa capacité de lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés”, indique son rapport. Les Casques bleus doivent développer leurs “capacités de sensibilisation, de recherche, de détection et d’intervention sur les engins explosifs improvisés”, précisent les experts dans leurs conclusions.

L’un des principaux trafiquants de migrants de Libye, Tewelde Goitom, condamné à 18 ans de prison

Le chef d’un réseau de trafiquants d’êtres humains, Tewelde Goitom, a été condamné à 18 ans de prison lundi par un tribunal d’Addis Abeba, en Éthiopie. Cet Érythréen surnommé « Walid » avait été, entre 2014 et 2018, à la tête d’un gang de passeurs et d’un centre de détention en Libye, où des crimes étaient commis quotidiennement contre des migrants africains.

Fin de Barkhane : quelles répercussions sur le Sénégal ?

DÉFIS. La question mérite d’être posée alors que le pays en dépit de son système de sécurité partage les mêmes vulnérabilités que les pays sahéliens.

Fréquemment présenté comme un îlot de stabilité dans une région en crise politique et sécuritaire, le Sénégal regarde avec attention son voisin malien. Reliés par l’histoire et la culture, les deux pays le sont aussi économiquement. La récente annonce de la fin de l’opération française Barkhane au Mali préoccupe plus que jamais le Sénégal et lui fait craindre des répercussions sur son territoire national.