Mozambique Could Become Africa’s Next Piracy Hot Spot

On March 24, Ansar al-Sunna, a militant group linked to the Islamic State, launched a bloody attack on the coastal town of Palma, in northern Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province, leaving at least 61 dead and scores more unaccounted for. The assault, which lasted more than a week and took place near a major liquefied natural gas plant under construction by the French energy giant Total, made global headlines and shined a spotlight on a fast-growing insurgency.

Turkey’s Challenge to the Regional Status Quo Begins in the Eastern Mediterranean

On July 24, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan joined thousands of worshippers in the streets around the historic Hagia Sophia in Istanbul for a doubly symbolic moment. Surrounded by a swarm of politicians, soldiers, security forces and imams, the Turkish leader made his way into the giant, former Byzantine cathedral through doors once hammered open by conquering Ottoman soldiers in 1453. Inside, he read out the namaz, or Muslim prayer, formally turning the 1,500-year-old building back into a mosque.

Suicide Explosion Kills 10, Injures Dozens in Somalia

The attack in the capital, for which the terrorist group Al Shabab claimed responsibility, comes as the Horn of Africa nation begins a crucial election season.

At least 10 people were killed and dozens injured in a suicide explosion in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, on Friday evening, the authorities said, the second such attack to rock the city in weeks as the country enters a crucial election season.

Over 400,000 in Tigray suffering famine now, with 1.8m on brink

Acting UN aid chief Ramesh Rajasingham says humanitarian situation in conflict-hit northern Ethiopian region has ‘worsened dramatically’ in recent weeks.

More than 400,000 people in Ethiopia’s Tigray are now suffering famine and 1.8 million others are on the brink, a top United Nations official has said, painting a devastating picture of an embattled region where humanitarian access is extremely restricted.

Naufrage de migrants au large des côtes tunisiennes, au moins 21 morts

Les gardes-côtes tunisiens ont repêché leurs corps au large du port de Sfax, dans le centre de la Tunisie. Ces migrants, originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne, tentaient de rallier l’Europe.

Vingt et un cadavres de migrants ont été repêchés, dimanche, par la garde maritime tunisienne après le naufrage de leur embarcation, a annoncé, lundi 5 juillet, la garde nationale (gendarmerie). Partis de Sfax, dans le centre de la Tunisie, ces migrants étaient tous originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne et tentaient de rallier clandestinement l’Europe. Cinquante personnes ont pu être secourues, selon la même source.

Des hommes armés enlèvent 140 lycéens au Nigeria

Un pensionnat de l’Etat de Kaduna, dans le nord-ouest du pays, a été attaqué dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi.

Des hommes armés ont attaqué dans la nuit de dimanche 4 à lundi 5 juillet un pensionnat de l’Etat de Kaduna, dans le nord-ouest du Nigeria, kidnappant 140 lycéens, vraisemblablement pour les échanger contre une rançon, a déclaré un responsable de l’établissement.

Circulă pe net: Gândurile unui american

Nu am visat niciodată că trebuie să mă confrunt cu perspective a nu trăi în Statele Unite ale Americii, cel puțin nu pe cea pe care am cunoscut-o toată viața. Nu mi-am dorit niciodată să trăiesc altundeva.