From War, to Turkey, to Top Scores: The Story of a Young Syrian Refugee

After fleeing war and taking shelter in Siirt, in 2015, Dlyar Safo got a full score on the LGS, thanks to the support he got from his teachers and family, according to Anadolu Agency.

After fleeing the horrors of war in Syria, a young refugee taking shelter in neighboring Turkey has achieved remarkable successes and now has distinguished himself as one of the few students to get a perfect score on his high school entrance exam.

Defections Threaten Ahrar al-Sham Jihadist Movement

Defections due to financial problems and leadership feuds are threatening to dissolve the Ahrar al-Sham, according to Al-Monitor.

The owner of the well-known @MzmjerSh Twitter account revealed in a thread on June 22nd that Ahrar al-Sham is experiencing major defections within its ranks.

France: L’avenir troublé du contre-terrorisme au Sahel au menu du sommet France

Paris – Les chefs d’Etat du G5 Sahel devaient s’entretenir vendredi avec Emmanuel Macron, alors que la France n’a encore donné aucun détail sur la réduction de ses forces militaires dans la région, où les groupes jihadistes restent toujours aussi menaçants.

Le nouveau président nigérien Mohamed Bazoum est arrivé vendredi matin à Paris pour une visite bilatérale. Ses homologues tchadien, malien, burkinabè et mauritanien étaient pour leur part réunis en visio-conférence pour un sommet du G5, avant qu’Emmanuel Macron ne se joigne à eux.

Dette : qui sont les créanciers de l’Afrique ?

Près de 400 milliards d’euros. C’est le montant de la dette publique extérieure des pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Chine, Banque mondiale, Club de Paris, créanciers privés… Auprès de qui l’Afrique est-elle endettée ? La réponse, pays par pays, en infographies.

Afghan pullout has US spies reorienting in terrorism fight

The two-decade war in Afghanistan has given U.S. spies a perch for keeping tabs on terrorist groups that might once again use the beleaguered nation to plan attacks against the U.S. homeland. But that will end soon.

The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan is leaving intelligence agencies scrambling for other ways to monitor and stop terrorists. They’ll have to depend more on technology and their allies in the Afghan government — even as it faces an increasingly uncertain future once U.S. and NATO forces depart.

The Point of No Return? Cross-Border Aid in Syria Under Threat

Nearly 3.4 million Syrians are at risk of losing access to humanitarian aid facilitated through UN Security Council Resolution 2533, expiring on July 10.

The Security Council will vote today on two resolutions to extend Syria’s cross-border aid, after deliberations over the number of approved border crossings, time frames, and potential vetoes.