Taliban on the Way to Kabul? Not so Fast….

Worse still, US diplomats continued to mumble about a “peace accord” with an outfit that has no notion of peace, while US military commanders publicly warned that withdrawing without a sober step-by-step plan could persuade the Taliban that they could secure all power without a deal that, at best, would give them only a slice of it.

Forgetting years of denial that Iran had any relations with Al-Qaeda and Taliban, the IRGC analyst now says “Iran has succeeded in persuading them to cooperate in securing Iran’s interests.”

Marxist, Extremist Support for Palestinian Terrorism Leads to Jew-Hate Throughout West

For decades, most articles on the Middle East have portrayed Israel in a negative light, not as a democracy under constant threat. Willfully or not, they promote Jew-hate. Hamas is often described as a “Palestinian militant group,” almost never as a terrorist organization.

Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in 2005. All the same, Israel is accused of imposing a “blockade” on the coastal strip — without a mention that everything necessary for the residents of Gaza is allowed, or that what is being blockaded are deadly weapons. Also never mentioned is the extreme brutality of Hamas operatives towards their own residents of Gaza, who are all Arabs, or that the Palestinian Authority still supports and finances terrorism. The Palestinian Authority’s rewards and incentives for murdering Jews are also always left out.

Scars from NATO

After Yugoslavia’s (Serbia) President Slobodan Milosevic refused to accept the so-called Rambouillet Agreement in 1999, which in reality was NATO ultimatum that demanded from Serbia and Montenegro to allow NATO troops to occupy the province of Kosovo as well as that NATO can build bases in Serbia, and that all NATO personnel have diplomatic immunity, which means that they could not be held criminally responsible in Serbia and Montenegro, NATO attack was launched without any authorization from the United Nations. The intervention was called humanitarian under the pretext of stopping the persecution of Albanians. In media presentations by the BBC, the Serbs were the modern Nazis and Albanians the Jews. After they successfully presented the Serbs as the bad guys, NATO had a free hand to open excessive force. NATO claims about tens of thousands of killed Albanians later turned out to be completely false. The real death toll in Kosovo before NATO attack was revealed after the war and it was around 2,000 with the majority of the killings committed by the armed terrorist-separatist group, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The KLA, previously classified by Washington as a terrorist organization, was elevated in the run-up to the war as the sole legitimate representative of Kosovo’s Albanian population. The KLA sought to create as much violence and death as possible in order to pave the way to NATO intervention.

Somalia: At Least 9 Killed in Mogadishu Suicide Car Bombing

At least nine people were killed and nine wounded Saturday in a suicide car bombing targeting a government convoy near two major hospitals in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu.

“A deafening, huge blast sent plumes of smoke into the sky and destroyed business buildings including restaurants, and I could see the dead bodies of at least eight people,” eyewitness Hussein Jim’ale, driver of a three-wheeled motorized taxi, told reporters at the scene.

Jordanian Salafi-Jihadi Ideologue Al-Maqdisi Denounces Syria-Based Saudi Cleric Al-Muhaysini’s Call For Bolstering ‘Brotherhood’ Between Turkey, Taliban

On June 27, 2021, Syria-based Saudi jihadi cleric Abdallah Al-Muhaysini tweeted [1] a call to bolster ties between Turkey and Afghanistan’s Taliban. Commenting briefly on a potentially closer relationship, Al-Muhaysini wrote: “It is proper for Muslim Turkey, which supported people and provided refuge to the oppressed, to be supportive of the Taliban. Likewise, it is proper for the Taliban to take their Turkish brothers as loyal allies. It is vital to build bridges of trust and strengthen the relationship, for that is in the interest of Muslims in general.”

Chinese Media Outlet Duowei: Beijing Appears To Be Considering Abandoning Its ‘Wolf Warrior’ Foreign Policy

On June 6, 2021, a bipartisan team of U.S. senators visited Taiwan, arriving aboard a C-17 U.S. military transport plane. Netizens from Mainland China were surprised that Beijing did not react strongly to the presence of a U.S. military airplane in Taiwan, since in the past Chinese diplomats and media persons had repeatedly stated that “the day U.S. troops appear in Taiwan will be the day we reunify Taiwan by force.”

As Ethiopian Troops Exit Tigray, Time to Focus on Relief

Ethiopia’s military withdrew from Tigray’s capital on 28 June, having suffered a string of battlefield reversals. Addis Ababa and Tigrayan leaders should now work on extending immediate aid to a population at risk of famine. They should also pursue political reconciliation in due time.

Attack Targets U.S. Occupation Base in Deir-ez-Zor Countryside

Missiles were fired at a U.S. military base in the province of Deir-ez-Zor, but potential casualties were not revealed, SANA reports.

The U.S. occupation military base at the al-Omar oil field in Deir-ez-Zor’s eastern countryside was targeted on Sunday evening with a missile attack for the second time in less than a week, local sources told SANA.