US military destabilizing Africa under pretext of combating terrorism

A senior US military commander recently warned of what he termed as “wildfire of terrorism” sweeping across Africa at the conclusion of massive US-led war games in the continent.

The African Lion war games, which lasted nearly two weeks, stretched across Morocco, a US ally, with smaller parts held in Tunisia and Senegal.

Meeting of MKO is disgrace to American politicians: Spox

Iran’s government spokesman, Ali Rabiei said that the gathering of the MKO (Mojahedin-e-Khalq) terrorist group was an opportunity to identify and expose hypocritical American politicians who, despite repeated slogans, have not paid little attention to the principles and history of terrorism and human rights abuses in other countries.

EU supports MKO terrorists who killed thousands of Iranian: Judiciary spox

If Europeans are honest in their human rights claims, why do they support the MKO terrorists? says Iran’s judiciary spokesman.

Gholamhossein Esmaeili, the spokesman for the Judiciary Branch in his weekly press conference, in reaction to the European Parliament’s request to the Council of Europe for imposing sanctions against Iranian officials for alleged human rights violations, said: “Nowadays, we are witnessing that the terrorist group MKO (Mojahedin-e-Khalq) who have assassinated thousands of people in Iran holding conferences in European capitals, with officials from those countries taking part.”

A înnebunit Frans Timmermans?

Comisia Europeană vrea să ajungă la ”zero net” emisii de carbon până în 2050. Asta înseamnă că în acel an ar trebui ca țările UE să nu emită mai multe gaze cu efect de seră decât pot reține în mod natural și prin noile tehnologii. Primul pas este reducerea emisiilor cu 55% până în 2030. Nu este doar planul Comisiei Europene, prin Pactul Verde European. Este și obiectivul administrației Biden și devine și obiectivul bancherilor centrali.

„Acht bis vier war gestern“

Eight days a week – Acht Tage die Woche – sangen die Beatles vor fast 60 Jahren. Doch heute wird öffentlich darüber diskutiert, die Arbeitswoche auf vier Tage zu verkürzen – und das nicht unbedingt am Arbeitsplatz.

Der Arbeitsmarkt befindet sich in diesen Jahren unter ständiger Veränderung. Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind über die vergangenen Jahrzehnte durch die zunehmende Digitalisierung mobiler und flexibler geworden. Aber auch der (angebliche) Bedarf, jederzeit einkaufen oder Dienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen zu können, verschiebt Arbeits- und Öffnungszeiten.

Global piracy down, Gulf of Guinea still a concern

Incidents of international piracy and armed robbery are at their lowest level in 27 years, according to International Maritime Bureau (IMB) statistics, with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) specialist facility warning risks to seafarers remain, especially off West Africa.

The Forever War in Afghanistan is Far From Over

Over the last week, I have been watching the Taliban sweep across the map of northern Afghanistan, capturing places that I first visited in 2001 at the beginning of the US-backed war. Taliban fighters have seized the main bridge to Tajikistan on the Amu Darya, a river that I crossed on an unwieldy raft a few months into the conflict.

Stream of Afghan asylum seekers reported in eastern Turkey

As the United States continues its troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, disputed reports indicate a rising number of asylum seekers of Afghan origin are crossing Turkey’s eastern border.

Videos posted on social media this weekend reportedly showed a stream of asylum seekers entering Turkey through its eastern border with Iran, raising concerns among local officials and humanitarian agencies.

UNHCR warns of looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has warned of a looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan as the escalating conflict brings increased human suffering and civilian displacement.

An estimated 270,000 Afghans have been newly displaced inside the country since January 2021 – primarily due to insecurity and violence – bringing the total uprooted population to over 3.5 million, the UNHCR said in a statement Tuesday.