Hayat Tahrir al-Sham kicks Chechen jihadis out of Idlib

After Hayat Tahrir al-Sham told the Chechen jihadi group Jund al-Sham it could either join its ranks or leave Idlib, the group’s members evacuated their military positions in the countryside of Latakia.

Well-informed sources among jihadi groups told Al-Monitor that the Chechen Jund al-Sham (Soldiers of the Levant) group has given in to pressure from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and evacuated its military positions in the Latakia mountains.

Has Turkey changed its anti-Islamic State strategy?

Although Turkish authorities have increased security operations against Islamic State cells in the country, Ankara’s anti-IS strategy remains riddled with gaping holes.

Increasing security operations against Islamic State (IS) cells across Turkey since June have raised the question whether Ankara is changing its oft-criticized anti-IS strategy as the latest operations indicate an increasing risk of terrorist attack in parallel with the group’s rebuilding attempts in Syria and Iraq.

Who Authorized America’s Wars? And Why They Never End

Sometimes, as I consider America’s never-ending wars of this century, I can’t help thinking of those lyrics from the Edwin Starr song, “(War, huh) Yeah! (What is it good for?) Absolutely nothing!” I mean, remind me, what good have those disastrous, failed, still largely ongoing conflicts done for this country? Or for you? Or for me?

The Lesson of Afghanistan is the Lesson of Vietnam We Forgot

Philosopher Georg Hegel declared the only lesson of history is that we do not learn from history. As the US prepares for the final pullout from Afghanistan and what will soon follow as the fall of the country to the Taliban an entire generation of us wonder if this is not Deja vu all over again and that what we thought we had learned from the Vietnam War proved to be a fleeting lesson.

Le nombre de migrants morts en mer en tentant de rejoindre l’Europe a doublé en un an

L’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) appelle les États à prendre des mesures urgentes. Selon les statistiques publiées par l’OIM dans un nouveau rapport, au moins 1 146 personnes sont mortes en mer en tentant de rejoindre l’Europe au cours du premier semestre 2021. En 2020, 513 avaient péri au cours de la même période, et 674 en 2019.

Réfugiés du Tigré : l’appel de la route

Dans l’est du Soudan, les jeunes Tigréens qui ont fui le nord de l’Éthiopie, en proie à une guerre civile, n’hésitent plus à prendre la route de la Libye.

Dans l’est du Soudan, sur la route qui mène au camp de réfugiés d’Um Rakuba, cinq jeunes garçons marchent. Ils ont un petit sac à la main et traversent à pied cette vaste étendue de brousse sous une chaleur écrasante. Le thermomètre affiche 40 °C. « Ils s’échappent », commente notre chauffeur. La loi soudanaise interdit aux réfugiés de se déplacer sans autorisation. Mais certains arrivent à se soustraire à la vigilance des forces de sécurité pour aller travailler dans les fermes voisines, se rendre en ville, ou prendre la route vers de nouvelles destinations.

Afghanistan: 270,000 newly displaced this year, warns UNHCR

The worsening security situation across Afghanistan in the wake of foreign troop withdrawal and Taliban advances, has forced an estimated 270,000 from their homes since January, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) reported on Tuesday, bringing the total internally displaced to more than 3.5 million.

Why The Taliban Is Sweeping Northern Afghanistan

The lightning speed with which the Taliban has overrun large swathes of rural territories in Afghanistan’s north has shocked locals and surprised foreign observers with some worrying whether the internationally recognized government in Kabul can weather the storm.

But the speed of the Taliban’s advances has everyone asking how a group composed of ragtag militants could overrun dozens of districts in eight strategic provinces that share borders with Afghanistan’s neighbors: Pakistan, China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran.