Russia to Beef Up Syrian Air Defenses to Counter Israel

It’s going to be more difficult and a lot more dangerous for the Israeli Air Force to continue its frequent strikes against Iranian military assets in Syria.

The London-based Arabic language newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported on Saturday that Russia would be providing Syria with a higher-level anti-missile defense system than is currently deployed.

The report concludes that Moscow has “run out of patience with the Israeli strikes” and expects little or no blowback from the American administration. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been Syrian President Bashar Assad’s patron during years of civil war but has maintained a level of acceptance of former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s constant attacks on Iranian arms and military equipment arriving in Syria.

More than 100 strikes are estimated to have been launched by Jerusalem over the past year. There is an apparent re-evaluation underway by Putin regarding how far he is willing to allow Israel to go in the Syrian skies since the Biden and Bennett administrations have taken over.

Mărturia lui Constantin Boștină

În ziua de 22 decembrie 1989, Constantin Boștină era la Botoșani, având funcția de secretar cu probleme economice al Consiliului Județean. În urmă cu câțiva ani, fusese secretar personal al lui Nicolae Ceaușescu, funcție creată anume pentru el. Ceaușeasca a pus ochi încruntați pe el la un moment dat și așa a fost „avansat” la Botoșani. Suspiciunile Biroului 2 veneau în cadrul superparanoic al fricii față de pacepiștii rămași nedevoalați.

Biden authorizes up to $100M for Afghan refugees

President Biden has authorized up to $100 million in additional aid for Afghan refugees and those impacted by ongoing violence between the Taliban and Afghan forces as the U.S. nears completion of its goal to remove all its troops from the country.

Russia Sends Military Equipment to Tajik-Afghan Border

Russia has sent military equipment to border areas between Tajikistan and Afghanistan to prevent possible threats originating from the country.

Tajikistan’s President Emomali Rahmon while addressing the Tajik army during a military exercise said that the situation in Afghanistan remains fragile, adding that his country is fully prepared to face the possible threats from Afghanistan.

Affaire Pegasus – Nasser Bourita : « Qui a intérêt à ostraciser le Maroc ? C’est là la vraie question »

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères marocain réagit aux révélations faites par Amnesty International et le consortium de journalistes Forbidden Stories, accusant les autorités du royaume d’utiliser le logiciel Pegasus pour espionner des journalistes, des militants mais aussi des personnalités de haut rang comme le président Macron ou même… le roi Mohammed VI. Entretien exclusif.

Tunisie: la puissante et discrète galaxie des frères Mabrouk

Entre managers chevronnés aux commandes des filiales et membres influents de l’élite politico-économique franco-tunisienne, la plus célèbre fratrie du business tunisien a su forger une garde rapprochée aussi sélect qu’influente. Jeune Afrique a mené l’enquête.

Syrian government shells in rebel area kill 7 of same family

Syrian government artillery shells struck a village in the last rebel enclave in the country on Thursday, killing seven members of the same family, including four children, rescue workers and a war monitor said.

The shelling is part of an ongoing military escalation in the area in northwestern Syria, which had been under a cease-fire sponsored by Russia and Turkey since last year. So far it is unclear what caused the escalation, which prior to the attack had already killed at least 17 children this month, according to figures confirmed by the U.N. children’s agency, UNICEF.

17 dead off Tunisian coast as boat wrecks en route to Italy

The number of people returned to shore following irregular crossings of the Mediterranean Sea has greatly increased this year.

At least 17 people seeking to cross the Mediterranean Sea have died off the coast of Tunisia and possibly hundreds more rescued.