El último apagó la luz

Si para Estados Unidos Afganistán es la última derrota de su última guerra imperial, para los europeos es una catástrofe en sordina

Todo va mal en Afganistán. Regresan aquellos fantasmas históricos que expulsaron a todos los invasores y amargaron los últimos días de los regímenes títere por ellos instalados. El más antiguo y acreditado, hasta convertirse en concepto geopolítico, es el Gran Juego, la rivalidad entre Rusia y el imperio británico por dominar este vientre blando de Asia, de imposible control por las potencias extranjeras desde tiempos milenarios. Los más recientes bien podrían llamarse Saigón y Phnom Penh, las espinas clavadas en la historia de Estados Unidos, derrotada en Vietnam y Camboya.

L’Europe va-t-elle tomber dans le piège d’Orban ?

Orbán échafaude discrètement des plans pour maintenir son influence sur le pays même s’il perd les élections.

Une carte blanche de Zsuzsanna Szelényi, ancienne politicienne hongroise, experte en politique étrangère, qui a commencé sa carrière au sein du Fidesz, qu’elle a représenté au parlement de 1990 à 1994. Elle est actuellement membre de l’Académie Robert Bosch.

A tisztelet koldusai

Nem először tölt el csodálattal a szempontváltás képessége, amely olyannyira jellemzi a Fideszt. Bámulatos például, ahogy a többségi, autokráciába hajló (díszlet)demokrácia itthoni hívei, a váratlan és rekordgyorsaságú jogalkotás mesterei uniós színtéren a konszenzuális döntéshozatal szerelmeseivé vedlenek át.

Egyptian ISIS member in Derna confesses how group recruits from Cairo

A video circulating on social media on Sunday showed the confessions of an Egyptian ISIS member who was recently arrested by Libyan army forces. He spoke about how he was recruited with many other Egyptians from Cairo and then taken to Derna in Libya. He said that they are then sent to hot spot areas between Egyptian Sinai, Mali and Syria.

Report: Washington relaunches plan of surveillance on Libya-Tunisia border

The US justice department’s counterterrorism division has revived its plan to acquire balloons to keep the border between Libya and Tunisia under surveillance, saying that following the failure of Lockheed Martin and TCOM, two other US firms are still in the running, according to the French website, Africa Intelligence.

Defections Threaten Ahrar al-Sham Jihadist Movement

The owner of the well-known @MzmjerSh Twitter account revealed in a thread on June 22nd that Ahrar al-Sham is experiencing major defections within its ranks.

@MzmjerSh focuses on jihadist affairs, and the man behind it is believed to be a former jihadist leader in Jabhat al-Nusra.

“The Ahrar al-Sham movement is currently witnessing a major turning point since about 1,000 fighters who form the backbone of the commando forces, and the special forces have defected. The division came as a result of disputes with the movement’s leadership over some internal reforms that these fighters had demanded,” @MzmjerSh said.

US official: Gaza aid funds won’t reach Hamas

US assistance to Gaza is going to provide emergency shelter, food relief, health care and mental health care.

US funding for Gaza won’t go to Hamas, vowed acting assistant secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Joey Hood as he explained that the humanitarian assistance would flow to regional actors through transparent and legitimate channels.
The US will provide assistance to Gaza “through trusted, vetted, independent partners who distribute directly to the people in need, not through Hamas,” Hood said, when he spoke Tuesday at a panel discussion at the Wilson Center.
The international community has scrambled in the aftermath of the 11-day Gaza war in May, to find a way to prevent Hamas from confiscating civilian rehabilitation funds. Hood said such a mechanism would come on top of existing stiff regulations with regard to financial assistance for Palestinians.

Italian Senator to raise awareness about Hamas goals in EU Parliament

Salvini said he would make the Italian and EU Parliaments understand the terrorist organization’s intentions in its war against Israel and its ambition to spread Islam around the world.

At a panel on the European reaction to Operation Guardian of the Walls this past Monday, Italian Senator Matteo Salvini announced that he would distribute the text of the Hamas Charter to his fellow members of the Italian and European Parliaments in order to raise awareness of the threat the pose.