‘Death to the dictator!’: Anti-government protests reach Tehran

Social media showed protesters marching down the streets of Tehran chanting “Neither Gaza nor Lebanon, I will sacrifice my life for Iran.”

Protests in Iran are entering their third week, with widespread arrests of protesters and deadly use of force.
Demonstrations began on July 15 in response to the severe drought and water crisis suffered by Iran’s Arab Ahwazi citizens in Khuzestan. Protesters say that water is only a trigger for the movement, in addition to a long history of repression by the Iranian government.

Secret Iran hacking plans against West revealed – report

Five secret documents allegedly showing Iranian plans to hack infrastructure in Western countries, including in Europe, were publicized by Sky News on Monday.

Five secret documents allegedly showing Iranian plans to hack infrastructure in Western countries, including in Europe, were publicized by Sky News late Monday night.

Iran claims it arrested Mossad agents, seized weapons

The ministry claimed that the alleged agents intended to use the weapons in order to carry out assassinations.

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry claimed that it has arrested a network of Mossad agents and seized a heavy shipment of weapons and ammunition after they entered Iran through its western border, according to Fars News Agency.

The ministry claimed that the alleged agents intended to use the weapons during the ongoing protests taking place throughout Iran in order to carry out assassinations and that Israel attempted to carry out “acts of sabotage” in various places during the recent presidential elections.

The ministry stated that the Mossad network in the area was “hit hard” after Iran managed to thwart the alleged sabotage attempts.

The seized weapons included pistols, grenades and shotguns, according to the ministry, which added that some of the weapons have been used to “provoke clashes” during protests.

The Intelligence Ministry thanked the people of Iran for their “constant vigilance” and called on all citizens to be more vigilant and aware of “suspicious offers,” especially on the Internet.

The announcement comes as protests continue across Iran for a third week in light of a severe drought and water crisis in southwestern Iran, and the day after anti-government protests broke out in Tehran.

A video shared on social media showed protesters marching down the streets of the capital on Monday shouting slogans such as “Death to the dictator” and “Neither Gaza nor Lebanon: I will sacrifice my life for Iran.”

Additionally on Tuesday, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced that it had killed two “terrorists” and captured another in the West Azerbaijan province in northwestern Iran. The IRGC claimed that the three member team planned to carry out “sabotage and anti-security measures,” according to Fars.

Three additional suspects who intended to protect the “terrorists” were also arrested, according to the report. A “considerable amount” of weapons, ammunition and explosives were seized in the arrest, according to Fars.

On Monday, the Judiciary Office in the Fars Province announced that 11 members of a “terrorist-takfiri group” controlled by leaders located outside of Iran were arrested in the Fars Province. An additional 25 individuals connected to the group were arrested in other provinces in a coordinated operation, according to the announcement.

“Takfiri” is a term used by Iran and pro-Iranian groups to refer to hard-line, Islamist militants.

The Judiciary Office added that the group had released a number of video clips on the Internet to spread terror and declare their existence. The office did not state what the name of the group was or where exactly its leaders are located.

“The group intended to carry out simultaneous terrorist operations in several provinces of the country which was plotted with the intelligence and financial cooperation of two intelligence services of the European countries and certain regional states but they were thwarted, thanks to the vigilance of judicial officials,” said the head of the Judiciary Office, according to Fars.

Tunisia’s president fires defence minister amid political upheaval

Tunisian President Kais Saied sacked the defence minister Monday, a day after ousting the prime minister and suspending parliament, plunging the young democracy into constitutional crisis in the midst of a pandemic.

Street clashes erupted Monday outside the army-barricaded parliament, after Saied dismissed Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi and ordered parliament closed for 30 days, a move the biggest political party Ennahdha decried as a “coup”.

Senior Saudi Journalist: Tunisian President Kais Saied Saved His Country From The Muslim Brotherhood’s Attempt To Wreak Chaos

In his July 27, 2021 column in the Saudi Al-Sharq Al-Awsat daily, senior Saudi journalist ‘Abd Al-Rahman Al-Rashed praised Tunisian President Kais Saied’s dismissal of Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi and his suspension of parliamentary activity. The parliament is headed by Rached Ghannouchi, chairman of the Ennahda Party, which is the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) party in the country.

Enquête – Dans les coulisses du softpower russe en Afrique

« La symphonie africaine de Poutine » (2/2). Productions de contenus audiovisuels, financement de médias locaux, parrainage d’influenceurs « anti-impérialistes », campagnes de propagande sur internet… Les moyens déployés par Moscou pour promouvoir son action sont innombrables.

Alianța țărilor „normale” împotriva Rusiei și Chinei

În urma cu zece zile, The Washington Post a publicat o analiză intitulată ”Se înmulțesc eforturile țărilor civilizate de a descuraja Rusia și China”, semnată de George Will. Autorul a lăudat decizia guvernului Boris Johnson de a trimite un grup de lupta al marinei militare britanice în Marea Neagră, nave care au fost întâmpinate de marina militară rusă cu focuri de avertisment, în apele Crimeii. Autorul a lăudat și decizia SUA și a Japoniei de a organiza exerciții militare comune, o încercare de a sublinia că există o alianță militară care se opune Chinei.

UN: Migrant boat capsizes off Libya, 57 thought dead

A boat carrying African migrants capsized off Libya’s coast Monday, leaving at least 57 people presumed dead, a U.N. migration official said. It was the latest disaster in the Mediterranean Sea involving migrants seeking a better life in Europe.