Ghani claims Taliban has ‘deep ties’ with various terrorist organizations

President Ashraf Ghani said on Wednesday the Taliban still has “deep ties to al-Qaeda, Jaish-e-Muhammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba” and wants Afghanistan to become a safe haven for terrorists.

Addressing commandos at the Special Operations Corps base on Wednesday, during his Eid al-Adha visit, Ghani said while the Taliban still had strong ties to the terrorist groups, the Afghan government and people would never allow their country to become a safe haven for terrorists.

Progress or War: On Islamophobia and Europe’s Demographic Shifts

Europe’s identity crisis is not confined to the ceaseless squabbles by Europeans over the EU, Brexit or football. It goes much deeper, reaching sensitive and dangerous territory, including that of culture and religion. Once more, Muslims stand at the heart of the continent’s identity debate.

Of course, anti-Muslim sentiments are rarely framed to appear anti-Muslim. While Europe’s right-wing parties remain committed to the ridiculous notion that Muslims, immigrants and refugees pose a threat to Europe’s overall security and unique secular identities, the left is not entirely immune from such chauvinistic notions.

Taliban Control Half of Afghanistan, US General Acknowledges

“Strategic momentum appears to be sort of with the Taliban,” said the the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff.

On Wednesday, Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged that Afghan Taliban militants now control about half of the war-torn country’s 419 district centers.

The Convention on Refugees at 70: A Conversation with Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield

On July 28th, the world will mark the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations’ 1951 Refugee Convention, a historic multilateral agreement that clarified the rights of refugees under international law and the obligation of host countries to provide for their protection. The principles enshrined in the Refugee Convention set precedents for the rights, repatriation, and resettlement of refugees that still resonate to this day.

Cum arată Afganistanul după retragerea aliată. Talibanii preiau controlul țării, al-Qaida se întărește, iar viitorul este sumbru

România și-a încheiat misiunea în Afganistan, moment marcat de o ceremonie militară care a avut loc miercuri la București, iar SUA se pregătesc să își încheie la rândul lor retragerea până la finalul lunii august, asemenea tuturor aliaților. În urmă rămâne o țară cu instituții slabe și corupție generalizată, în care talibanii sunt la un pas de a prelua din nou controlul, iar organizațiile teroriste par să aibă iarăși un spațiu de refugiu, pentru a-și planifica atacurile, scriu CBC News și The Guardian.

La montée des eaux du lac Tanganyika provoque des besoins humanitaires urgents au Burundi

« Qu’allons-nous faire si l’eau ne cesse de monter ? » Cette question est dans tous les esprits des riverains du lac Tanganyika au Burundi : les propriétaires de maisons, les entrepreneurs et les ouvriers du bâtiment, les agriculteurs, les vendeurs du marché, les écoliers, les navetteurs et, bien sûr, les travailleurs humanitaires et les acteurs du développement.

Mali: BREAKING NEWS – Assassination Attempt on Transitional President Assimi Goïta

On Tuesday morning, the interim president of Mali escaped an attack outside the Great Mosque of Bamako, during the Muslim rite of Eid al-Adha, the feast of the Sacrifice.

“After the imam’s prayer and sermon, when the imam was about to sacrifice his sheep, a young man tried to stab Assimi (Goïta) from behind, but another person got injured,” Latus Tourè, manager of the Great Mosque, told AFP.

Uniunea Europeană are o problemă

Uniunea Europeană are o problemă.

Nu, nu alea la care vă gîndiți voi. Da, știu, UE are probleme multe. Însă, dincolo de acestea, începe să aibă din ce în ce mai mult și o problemă de legitimitate.