Déploiement de 300 Casques bleus rwandais en Centrafrique

La mission des Nations unies en Centrafrique (Minusca) a reçu mardi le renfort de 300 Casques bleus rwandais pour sécuriser l’axe de ravitaillement vital reliant la capitale Bangui au Cameroun, a-t-elle indiqué dans un tweet.

Ce déploiement de troupes intervient dans le cadre d’une résolution du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies du 12 mars prévoyant d’augmenter progressivement d’environ 3.000 Casques bleus les effectifs de la Minusca.

Cameroon: Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is Forced to Withdraw its Teams from Cameroon’s North-West Region

After nearly eight months of suspension by the Cameroonian authorities, medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has been forced to withdraw its teams from the North-West region, an area badly affected by years of armed violence between security forces and armed separatist groups.

Sans Cour constitutionnelle, “nous n’avons pas de garde-fou contre l’autoritarisme”

Le 25 juillet 2021, le président Kaïs Saied s’est emparé de l’Article 80 de la Constitution pour déclarer l’état d’exception. Si elle est saisie, la Cour constitutionnelle est alors la seule à pouvoir statuer sur le maintien ou non d’une telle situation. Mais cet organe, prévu pour arbitrer les conflits institutionnels, n’a jamais vu le jour.

UAE sends more medical aid to Tunisia to fight virus

The Emirati shipment followed the Tunisian president dismissing parliament and the prime minister last month in what critics have called a coup.

The United Arab Emirates sent more medical aid to Tunisia on Wednesday to help the North African country fight its COVID-19 outbreak.

Sex sau Gen: „Orice opțiune este posibilă”

Directorul Direcției pentru Evidența Persoanelor și Administrarea Bazelor de Date a MAI, Cătălin-Aurel Giulescu, spune că este posibilă revenirea la termenul sex pe cărțile electronice de identitate în locul celui de gen, utilizat în proiectul pilot.

Oamenii de la Davos ne dau rețeta fericirii

Pentru că afacerile din America au fost închise din cauza măsurilor de distanțare socială, iar angajații au început să se bazeze pe ajutoarele federale, președintele Donald Trump a interzis temporar evacuarea americanilor care nu-și mai puteau plăti chiriile. Moratoriul acesta a expirat în septembrie 2020. Atunci, Centrul pentru Prevenirea și Controlul Bolilor din SUA a impus un nou moratoriu, argumentând că are autoritatea câtă vreme este o măsură de limitare a răspândirii covid-19.

Libye: Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi va-t-il revenir en politique?

Si l’on en croit ce qu’il a laissé entendre au New York Times, ce retour rebattrait les cartes de la scène politique en Libye.

C’était la première fois, depuis une décennie et le renversement de son père, qu’il s’exprimait dans la presse internationale : Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi a affirmé au New York Times, en fin de semaine dernière, qu’il envisageait un retour en politique en Libye, tout en restant vague sur son programme et sur une possible candidature à la présidentielle prévue en fin d’année. Il a fait remarquer que les dirigeants politiques libyens n’ont « apporté que misère » et considéré que « l’heure est au retour au passé ».

“Bandits” Shoot Down Alpha Jet as Nigerian Airpower Comes Under Scrutiny

Weeks ago, bandits shot down a fighter jet in northern Nigeria. This comes amid questions over the Nigerian Air Force’s readiness to curb insecurity and a slew of deals by the Nigerian government to upgrade its airpower.

On July 18, “bandits” shot down a Nigerian Air Force (NAF) fighter jet in northern Nigeria on the border between Zamfara and Katsina states. The pilot successfully ejected from the aircraft and avoided capture by the “bandits” using his “survival skills” until he reached an army installation. While NAF planes have crashed in the past—including earlier this year when a plane crash killed Chief of Army Staff General Ibrahim Attahiru—this is apparently the first time a jet has been brought down by enemy fire.

Mercenaries ‘impede’ peace, must leave Libya to allow elections

The continued recruitment and presence of mercenaries in Libya is impeding “progress in the peace process” and an obstacle to upcoming elections, independent UN human rights experts said on Friday, calling for their “long overdue” departure..

“Nine months after the ceasefire agreement calling for withdrawal of foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya, mercenaries and private military and security contractors continue to operate in the country” said the chair of the UN’s Working Group on the use of mercenaries, Jelena Aparac.