Situation humanitaire alarmante au nord du Cameroun

Les habitants dans l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun sont les premières victimes du conflit avec Boko Haram auquel viennent s’ajouter des inondations récurrentes.

La situation humanitaire dans l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun s’est dégradée depuis ces trois dernières années. L’insécurité alimentaire est en effet accentuée par le conflit contre Boko Haram qui a fait fuir des milliers de déplacés internes.

An Afghanistan Apportionment

American media and other politicians, and the people they pay to say things, are locked up tight with the demise in Afghanistan. How could anyone let this happen? Who’s to blame for these precipitous – they claim — events? What awful chaos at the airport! The answers are as vacuous as the questions.

Two decades of American sacrifice was too few years for them.

Trump calls Afghanistan collapse ‘most humiliating’ moment for US

Former President Donald Trump described the recent events in Afghanistan as the worst humiliation in American history but defended the agreement his administration struck with the Taliban last year.

“It’s a great thing that we’re getting out, but nobody has ever handled a withdrawal worse than Joe Biden,” the former president told Fox News Tuesday.

Syria regime continues violating Daraa ceasefire amid ongoing negotiations

Syrian regime forces continued to violate a newly signed ceasefire agreement in the southern city of Daraa in the early hours of Monday morning, shelling several areas of the city as well as the towns of Yadouda and Tafas in Daraa province.

The “Free People of Houran” media activist group reported that rebels in the Daraa Al-Balad area of Daraa clashed with troops from the regime’s Fourth Division, which is led by President Bashar Al-Assad’s brother, Maher.

The Collapse of Afghanistan: Blame the Suits, Not the Boots

The lightning-quick advance by the Taliban rapidly overran Afghanistan and led to the absolute collapse of the Afghan army and security forces.

As the Taliban were posing for pictures inside the presidential palace, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani was fleeing the country to Uzbekistan even before the United States could withdraw its own diplomats. Crowds were rushing to the tarmac of Kabul airport trying to get out before the Taliban take over.

Afghanistan’s Collapse & the Implications for Global Jihadism and Counterterrorism

Emboldened by the U.S. decision to withdraw from Afghanistan in April, the Taliban has surged across the country in a dramatic offensive. In response, Afghan security forces have collapsed like dominos, militarily overwhelmed or simply coerced into surrender. The fate of Kabul and the central government looks decidedly uncertain. For the first time in many years, al-Qaeda and its central leadership look likely to have a safe-haven in which to operate, while the group’s network of jihadist allies will feel similarly confident about what the future holds.

The Afghan Taliban’s Goal Is To Establish A Sunni Islamic Theocratic State – They Do Not Believe In Power-Sharing With A Democratically Elected Government – From The MEMRI Archives


On April 14, 2021, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA, or the Afghan Taliban organization) announced that it would not participate in the Istanbul conference on the future of Afghanistan. The Istanbul conference, which was set to begin on April 24, is led primarily by the United States, with other partners being Turkey, Qatar, and the United Nations.[2]

România ar putea primi afgani în nevoie

România ar putea primi afgani în nevoie. Statul român îşi manifestă deschiderea şi evaluează posibilitatea de a prelua, acolo unde se consideră justificat, personalul local afgan care a sprijinit autorităţile române care şi-au desfăşurat activitatea în Afganistan, după o analiză a fiecărui caz, inclusiv din punct de vedere securitar, afirmă ministrul de Externe, Bogdan Aurescu.