Tunisie : référendum, Constitution, élections… ce que prévoit Kaïs Saïed

Près d’un mois après les annonces choc du 25 juillet, les prochaines étapes du programme présidentiel commencent à se dessiner. Explications.

À la stupeur suscitée par l’offensive menée contre l’assemblée et le gouvernement par le président tunisien, Kaïs Saied, le 25 juillet, a succédé l’attente et les interrogations. Les mesures exceptionnelles – gel de l’Assemblée, limogeage du gouvernement et prise en main des trois pouvoirs – engagées en s’adossant à l’article 80 de la Constitution sont provisoires et le président avait signifié de lui-même qu’il se donnait trente jours pour jeter les bases d’un changement de cap politique. Depuis, le pays est suspendu à l’annonce de cette feuille de route. Laquelle ne saurait tarder, selon des sources proches du palais.

Au Sahel, les regards sont braqués vers Kaboul

SCÉNARIO. L’échec des Américains et de la communauté internationale relance le débat sur la présence des troupes internationales au Mali et au Sahel.

Ce 18 août, cela fait un an jour pour jour que le président malien Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta a été chassé du pouvoir après des manifestations soutenues par les mouvements d’opposition, sur fond de lutte contre la corruption et face à l’impuissance de l’État pour contrer la violence. Cet anniversaire était l’occasion pour les Maliens de dresser un bilan de l’année écoulée, de faire le point sereinement sur les avancées et les attentes, mais les événements en Afghanistan, soit à plus de 8 000 kilomètres ont tout chamboulé.

The Next Act in the Afghan Tragedy

The collapse of the US’s position in Afghanistan has limited read-across to its relations with its NATO and Asian allies. But it is a stark reminder of the constraints on the UK as a global power.

This is a desperate time for the people of Afghanistan, as they await their fate under Taliban rule. While too much international aid has been wasted and embezzled, enough still got through to provide substantial improvements in health, education and economic opportunities for millions of Afghans, including many women and girls. All this is now at risk.

Why Did the Afghan Army Evaporate?

There are several reasons for the collapse of the Afghan army, but a duplicitous US negotiation with the Taliban was the most potent, and the insurgents exploited the uncertainty brilliantly.

President Joe Biden’s claim that the Afghan army ‘did not have the resolve’ to fight for its own country would seem to be true following its disintegration. But it is as much a misrepresentation of the truth as US and UK ministerial claims in recent days that the collapse came as a complete surprise.

Protests Challenge Taliban’s Governance

Protests against Taliban rule in Afghanistan spread to several cities ahead of the first Friday prayers since the militant group took control last Sunday. In Kabul, around 200 people gathered at one protest on Thursday, the country’s independence day, before Taliban fighters dispersed them violently. Several people were killed in Asadabad after the Taliban fired on a crowd waving Afghan flags, and the group announced a curfew in Khost after demonstrations there.

Iran Treading Cautiously Amid The Taliban Takeover Of Afghanistan

Iranian officials are carefully weighing their options after the surprisingly swift Taliban takeover of Afghanistan amid fears of instability, a refugee influx, and extremist groups such as Islamic State (IS) gaining a permanent foothold in its eastern neighbor.

Tehran, which has cultivated loose ties with the Taliban in recent years and hosted the group’s representatives, has not publicly reached out to the militants since they seized much of Afghanistan within a week and triumphantly took control of Kabul on August 15.

In brief comments issued after the fall of the Afghan capital, new Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and outgoing Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif did not directly mention the Taliban.

“The military defeat and the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan should offer an opportunity to restore life, security, and lasting peace in that country,” Raisi, whose inauguration ceremony was attended by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, was quoted as having said to Zarif on August 16.

Hours earlier, Zarif tweeted that “violence & war — like occupation — never solve problems.” He added that Iran welcomes an announcement by former Afghan President Hamid Karzai on the formation of a “coordination council by Afghan leaders.”

He concluded the August 15 tweet saying that Iranians hope “it can lead to dialogue and a peaceful transition in Afghanistan. Iran stands ready to continue its peacemaking efforts.”

Analysts say Iran is mulling how best to secure its interests in its western neighbor as Tehran has been playing a balancing act by providing public support to the Afghan government while also developing ties with the Taliban.

Iran has previously described the militant Islamist group as “part of today’s reality of Afghanistan” and said it must be “part of the future solution” in the war-torn country.

“The Iranian leadership has put a brave face on. It has celebrated the U.S. withdrawal as a victory for the Afghan people, which by implication offers an endorsement for the Taliban,” Shahram Akbarzadeh, a professor of Middle East and Central Asian politics at Australia’s Deakin University, told RFE/RL.

Akbarzadeh added that Tehran is hoping for “professional if not cordial ties” with Afghanistan’s future government amid worries that the Taliban would be anti-Shi’a, persecute the Hazara minority, and adopt anti-Iran policies.

“This would be extremely concerning for Iran. From the geostrategic point of view, this would facilitate Saudi influence in Afghanistan. An anti-Shi’a and anti-Iran government in Afghanistan could present serious security challenges for Iran and make Afghan territory a haven for anti-Iran terror groups,” he said.

A Tehran-based observer who requested anonymity said Iran is finding a balance between “its anti-American stance and preserving its national interests, including security” on its borders.

‘Most Negative Consequences’

Iran’s former charge d’affaires in Afghanistan, Abdolmohammad Taheri, was quoted by the official government news agency IRNA as saying on August 18 that his country has the “authority” as well as the experience with various groups in Afghanistan to pressure the Taliban to prevent more suffering for the Afghan people while also keeping Iran safe.

Taheri described the withdrawal of U.S forces from Afghanistan as a “betrayal” that paved the way for the Taliban’s lightning advances. He added that Tehran would face the “most negative consequences” of the upheaval, including an influx of refugees that he said could include members of IS and the terrorist group Al-Qaeda.

Iran, which shares a 900-kilometer border with Afghanistan, already hosts more than 3 million Afghans, according to the United Nations refugee agency.

Taheri said Iran cannot tolerate an enemy such as the United States in its vicinity while also warning that the Taliban and the Islamic republic do not share an “affinity” for one another.

The two sworn enemies have forged ties in recent years despite the 1998 killing of seven Iranian diplomats and a journalist in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-e Sharif after it was overrun by Taliban militants.

There are also reports that Iran has sent arms to the Taliban during its long war against government forces, an accusation that Tehran denies.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry called on the Taliban to ensure the safety of Iranian staff at the consulate in Herat after the group seized the western Afghan city on August 13.

Tehran said on August 17 that the staff of three of out of its five missions in Afghanistan are working from Kabul while adding that the number of staff has been drastically reduced.

But Iran said on August 17 that it is one of four countries still operating at their embassies in Kabul (Russia, China, and Pakistan are the others).

Inside Iran, many have been watching the Taliban takeover with great concern. Some of the Afghans living in Iran have staged protests in Tehran, Isfahan, and Qom in which some chanted “Death to the Taliban.”

The Taliban’s rule from 1996 to 2001 was marked by horrific atrocities and serious human rights violations, including the deprivation of women’s most basic rights.

Amid the concerns, Sunni religious leader Molavi Abdol Hamid created controversy by praising “the Taliban’s impressive” seizure of Afghanistan, claiming that the group’s views have changed in the past 20 years.

“They have gained experience and their views have changed and if there are shortcomings they can be amended,” Abdol Hamid, the Friday Prayers leader of the southeastern city of Zahedan in the Sistan-Baluchistan Province, said on August 17.

Other clerics, including Grand Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani, have warned in past weeks that the Taliban should not be trusted.

“It would be a grave, irreparable error to trust” the Taliban, which has “a history of evilness and murder,” said Golpayegani in July.

Meanwhile, Ayatollah Asadollah Bayat Zanjani warned earlier this month against those attempting to whitewash the policies of the Taliban, which he described as “violent, radical, and terrorist.”

Turmoil In Afghanistan Spills Into Central Asia

The events that the governments of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan have been increasingly dreading in recent weeks have begun to happen.

The Afghan government has fallen to the Taliban and despite the Central Asian governments having had years to contemplate and plan for such an occurrence, the initial shock waves from south of the border seem to have particularly caught Tajikistan and Uzbekistan off guard.

Russia was ready for Taliban’s win due to longtime contacts

When the Taliban swept over Afghanistan, Russia was ready for the rapid developments after working methodically for years to lay the groundwork for relations with the group that it still officially considers a terrorist organization.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov emphasized this week that Moscow was “in no rush” to recognize the Taliban as the new rulers of Afghanistan, but he added there were “encouraging signals” of their readiness to let other political forces join the government and allow girls into schools.

Taliban suppress more dissent as economic challenges loom

The Taliban violently dispersed scattered protests for a second day Thursday amid warnings that Afghanistan’s already weakened economy could crumble further without the massive international aid that sustained the toppled Western-backed government.

The Taliban have sought to project moderation and say they want good relations with the international community, but they will face a difficult balancing act in making concessions to the West, satisfying their own hard-line followers and suppressing dissent.